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Watch this discussion on graph databases.

#GraphCast: “All Graph Databases Are Not Created Equal”

Welcome to this week's #GraphCast – our series featuring what you might have missed in Neo4j media from the past fortnight. Last time, our Managing Editor, Jocelyn Hoppa, pointed us to the classic presentation “Graph Databases Will Change Your Freakin’ Life.” This is a must-see video... read more

Learn how Neo4j is helping to crack down on the Opioid Crisis.

Graph Theory Takes on the Opioid Epidemic

Editor’s Note: This presentation was given by Mark Quinsland at Data Con LA in August 2019. Presentation Summary The opioid epidemic is an increasingly lethal, complex and widespread issue. It involves a large web of people and organizations, including corrupt pharmacies, smugglers, drug... read more

Learn about responsible AI and gain practical tips.

Responsible AI: The Critical Need for Context (and Practical Tips)

Why is it that we naturally talk about graphs as if they were context? That's because graphs were built to understand relationships – in fact, it's how graph theory started. Graphs were not only built to understand relationships, they were built with relationships. And that's... read more

This Week in Neo4j – Building Spatial Search Algorithms for Neo4j, Colruyt Data Science assignment, GR-R-ANDstack, Releases of APOC and Halin

Hi graph gang, In this week’s video from the NODES 2019 conference, Craig Taverner demonstrates a new library that we’ve been working on to prototype new spatial algorithms. Tomaz Bratanic builds a graph analytics pipeline to explore the transport system in Rome, Rik tries... read more

Graph Hyper-Growth Ahead: 5-Minute Interview with Kyle McNamara

"We're the world's number one Neo4j consultancy, which we're proud of and have worked very hard at," said Kyle McNamara, CEO, Americas, at GraphAware. In this week's five-minute interview (conducted at GraphTour DC 2019), we talk with... read more