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Meet Matt Caster of Neo4j.

This Week in Neo4j – NODES 2019 Preview: Modeling, Network analysis of Prisoners of Zenda, Building a Questionnaire with Neo4j

Hello everybody! I’m back after a few weeks off. Thanks to Jennifer and Will for writing TWIN4j in my absence, I enjoyed reading their take on the week’s graph related news. This week we preview the modeling talks at the NODES 2019 conference and we have network analysis... read more

Check out this 5-minute interview to learn about Innovation Labs at Neo4j.

Innovate In Less Than a Week: 5-Minute Interview with Alessandro Svensson

"The feedback we receive from participants is that together we accomplish an impressive amount of work in just a week, even on projects that they've been thinking about, working on, and POC'ing for years,” said Alessandro Svensson, head of Innovation Labs at Neo4j. In this week's five-minute... read more

Create an intelligent recommendation framework.

Creating an Intelligent Recommendation Framework

It is very likely that you are reading this blog post because a recommendation algorithm decided that it belonged on your feed. It's also likely that your decision to read this is now being fed back into the very same algorithm that brought you here. This, along with the rest of your... read more

Global GraphHack 2019 winners announced.

Hackers, Start Your Engines: Global GraphHack 2019 Kicks Off

Andddd, we’re off! The Global GraphHack has officially kicked-off! With over 450 registered hackers, this is officially the World's Largest GraphHack in History! Theme: Extending the Graph Ecosystem Your task is to build something – using or extending Neo4j – that benefits... read more

Learn more about how graph technology eliminates the chaos of IAM.

Connecting the Complexity of Identity and Access Management

The growth of enterprise networks and the explosion of connected devices has turned Identity and Access Management (IAM) into one of the top concerns of IT organizations across the globe. IAM is often implemented using directory-service solutions provided by operating-system or enterprise... read more

Nathan Smith and Erin Schuberth

This Week in Neo4j – Kafka Streams Graph Processing, GRANDstack Football Transfers, Spring Data Neo4j RX, Role Based Access Control In Neo4j 4.0, Learning Cypher, and More!

Greetings, Graph Gang! I’m happy to share another edition of This Week In Neo4j with you. This week we have a look at using Neo4j with Kafka Streams, how to build a GRANDstack application to analyze football transfers, a beta release of Spring Data Neo4j RX, a guide for learning... read more