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This Week in Neo4j – Correlating Tags in Stackoverflow, Football meets graphs, All About the Kafka Connect Neo4j Sink Plugin

This week Bea Hernández shared the slides from her talk at SatRDays on my favourite two topics - football and graphs! The Kafka connector that we’ve previously featured was released in the Confluent Marketplace, and Michael Hunger showed us how to analyse StackOverflow data using the... read more

Check out this 5-minute interview with James Gray, Direct of Product for Big Data at Phunware.

Mobile Experiences at Scale: 5-Minute Interview with James Gray

"Literally within minutes or seconds, customers generate mobile device audiences at scale," said James Gray, Director of Product for Big Data at Phunware. Phunware’s mobile applications platform allows some of the biggest brands in the world to deliver great mobile experiences and reach mobile... read more

Discover the benefits of our updated Neo4j online training course.

Check Out the Newly Revamped Intro to Neo4j Online Training Course

In less than a day, you could become a graphista. Because we believe that graph databases are the future of backend software development, we wanted to make it easier and simpler than ever to get started on your graph journey. That's why we've just completed a much-needed overhaul of the... read more

Free Download O'Reilly Graph Algorithms book

Graph Algorithms in Neo4j: Weakly Connected Components

Graph algorithms provide the means to understand, model and predict complicated dynamics such as the flow of resources or information, the pathways through which contagions or network failures spread, and the influences on and resiliency of groups. This blog series is designed to help you... read more

This Week in Neo4j – Automate Neo4j Deploys on AWS and GCP, BBC GoodFood Graph Online Meetup, APOC Winter Release and Documentation Refresh

It’s been another fun week in the world of Neo4j, the highlight of my week being the online meetup where Lju and I had a great time showing off the BBC GoodFood graph that we’ve been working on. There were lots of questions about graph modeling, so be sure to check that... read more

Check out this 5-minute interview with Alex Babeanu from Nulli.

Simplifying Identity Management: 5-Minute Interview with Alex Babeanu

"We've tried using LDAP. We've tried using SQL databases. It's just a nightmare to be honest," said Alex Babeanu, Identity Solutions Architect at Nulli. With smartphones, online services, smart devices, the number of identities that must be managed is exploding, exponentially increasing the... read more