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Boosting AuraDB Read Performance With Secondaries

Boosting AuraDB Read Performance With Secondaries

Read-heavy applications require exceptional database performance, which is why we’re excited to announce the general availability of Secondaries on AuraDB Virtual Dedicated Cloud. Secondaries are read-only copies of your AuraDB database, and they significantly increase maximum read-query... read more

Check out 10 videos produced by Neo4j on the top graph technology topics of 2018.

The Top 10 Neo4j Videos of 2018

Two things are certain in life: Taxes! And we've committed a lot to video this year. Ranking these 10 videos seemed wrong, as our video content features a wide range of subject matter. Who are we to say what's best for you? What you'll see below is a well-rounded smattering of videos shining... read more

See what episodes were in the top 10 from the Neo4j Graphistania podcast, including a special interview

The Top 10 Neo4j Podcasts of 2018

Since March 2015, Neo4j VP Rik Van Bruggen has been hosting the Graphistania podcast, covering the wonderful world of graph database technology and interviewing some of the most interesting graph thinkers and developers from across the globe. If you're new to Graphistania, check out the... read more

Check out the 7 best Neo4j blog from 2018.

7 Seriously Awesome Neo4j Blogs from 2018

We all know no one really reads these intros to year-end listicles, so we'll keep it brief and just say this: thank you to you for reading. We are incredibly grateful to everyone who has visited the Neo4j blog in 2018, and we vow to continue reporting and gathering all the latest information... read more

Catch this week's GraphCast on Euler's formula and graph duality – an interesting graph theory proof

#GraphCast: Euler’s Formula (a Graph Theory Proof)

Welcome to this week's #GraphCast – our fortnightly series featuring what you might have missed in AV media within the wider the world of graphs. Last #GraphCast, our Managing Editor, Jocelyn Hoppa, stole the video I was going to pick and presented the absolutely amazing Graph Algorithms &... read more

This Week in Neo4j – TestContainers, GraphQL Course, XRP, New Online Course

In the week of the longest night, Mark is enjoying a well earned vacation, so I can use the opportunity to thank him for his relentless work reading through all the amazing things that happen in our Neo4j community every week to present them to you in a compact format. This week is no... read more

Learn about KeneteK and LARUS announcement with a new graph partnership.

KeneteK & LARUS Announce a New Graph Partnership

In 2018, it's been estimated that 80% of financial transactions still pass through a mainframe application, and in most enterprises, a mainframe app is still the center of most data propagation. This stat alone means companies struggle to find a concrete starting point for effectively tackling... read more