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Boosting AuraDB Read Performance With Secondaries

Boosting AuraDB Read Performance With Secondaries

Read-heavy applications require exceptional database performance, which is why we’re excited to announce the general availability of Secondaries on AuraDB Virtual Dedicated Cloud. Secondaries are read-only copies of your AuraDB database, and they significantly increase maximum read-query... read more

Free Download O'Reilly Graph Algorithms book

Graph Algorithms in Neo4j: The Neo4j Graph Algorithms Library

The Neo4j Graph Algorithms Library is used on your connected data to gain new insights more easily within Neo4j. These graph algorithms improve results from your graph data, for example by focusing on particular communities or favoring popular entities. This blog series is designed to help you... read more

This Week in Neo4j – Kafka Connector, kNN Classifier, Neo4j 3.5 Release, Modeling Corporate Resources

Welcome to This Week in Neo4j where I share the most interesting things I found in our community over the last seven days. This week Will and I interviewed Ward Cunningham as part of the Neo4j online meetup and we launched the first version of the much awaited Kafka Connector. Neo4j 3.5... read more

How to Exploit the 6 Relationships of Retail to Delight Your Customers

How to Exploit the 6 Relationships of Retail to Delight Your Customers [Infographic]

Retail opportunities are as big and dynamic as the industry has ever seen, and yet, knowing what to do or how to attack said opportunities is a bit more difficult to ascertain. U.S. retail sales per year are in the trillions and the impact of social media influencers are turning in billions.... read more

Learn all of the new DevOps- and DBA-friendly features of the Neo4j 3.5 graph database release

Neo4j Graph Database 3.5: Everything You Need to Know [GA Release]

Speaking on behalf of the Neo4j team, I'm pleased to announce the immediate general availability of Neo4j Graph Database version 3.5 – in both Community and Enterprise Editions. Neo4j 3.5 improves the performance, utilization and security of the Neo4j Graph Platform. The native graph database... read more

Learn about the characteristics of aggregate stores as a category of the NoSQL database ecosystem

Graph Databases for Beginners: A (Brief) Tour of Aggregate Stores

In 1841, William Buckland was one of the first paleontologists to observe what today we call the Cambrian explosion. At the time, he naturally knew that it would become a favorite metaphor used the world over to describe whenever we didn't have a lot of a thing and then BAM!, suddenly we had a... read more

Free Download O'Reilly Graph Algorithms book

Graph Algorithms in Neo4j: Graph Algorithm Concepts

According to Frost & Sullivan, “Graphs are one of the unifying themes of computer science – an abstract representation that describes the organization of transportation systems, human interactions and telecommunication networks. That so many different structures can be modeled using a single... read more