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Graph Algorithms in Neo4j: The Rise of Graph Analytics

According to Gartner’s 2018 Magic Quadrant for Data Management Solutions, the biggest reason for using the Neo4j graph database "is to drive innovation.” This blog series is designed to help organizations better leverage graph analytics to effectively innovate and develop intelligent... read more

This Week in Neo4j – DeepGL on Peer to Peer Network, Relational to Graph with APOC, Global Power Emissions Database

Welcome to this week in Neo4j where we round up what’s been happening in the world of graph databases in the last 7 days. This week we have DeepGL on Peer to Peer Network, Relational to Graph with APOC, Global Power Emissions Database, Graphs and AI, Agent Smith: A “top”... read more

Check out this quick interview with Preston Hendrickson of CALIBRE.

Interchangeable Parts: 5-Minute Interview with Preston Hendrickson, Principal Systems Analyst at CALIBRE

"It’s easy to teach people to use Neo4j. It’s hands-on training, not death by PowerPoint," said Preston Hendrickson, Principal Systems Analyst at CALIBRE. CALIBRE works with large government customers, including the U.S. Army, where maintenance, operation and support costs of equipment... read more

Learn why NoSQL databases are needed to face some of today's biggest data challenges that SQL can't

Graph Databases for Beginners: Why We Need NoSQL Databases

NoSQL databases are one of those things in life that are unhelpfully defined only by what they are not rather than by what they are, i.e., an anti-definition. NoSQL is a cheeky acronym for Not Only SQL – or more confrontationally – No to SQL. This anti-definition tells you a lot about why... read more

Watch Ryan Chandler's presentation on using natural language processing at Caterpillar with Neo4j.

NLP at Scale for Maintenance and Supply Chain Management

Editor’s Note: This presentation was given by Ryan Chandler at GraphConnect New York in October 2017. Presentation Summary Caterpillar is a 90-year-old company that manufactures large industrial machinery, including some autonomous vehicles. For the last decade, the company has been... read more

Learn about the top five use cases for graph technology and graph analytics.

5 Noteworthy Use Cases of Graph Technology and Graph Analytics

When discussions about any technological concept begin to trend in online media and among business stakeholders, it is only natural to wonder whether it is all hype or whether the technology actually solves any real business problems. Gartner’s well-publicized hype cycle attempts to provide a... read more