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Graph Algorithms in Neo4j: The Power of Graph Analytics

According to Gartner, "graph analysis is possibly the single most effective competitive differentiator for organizations pursuing data-driven operations and decisions.” Why did Gartner say this? Because graphs are the best structure for today's complex and ever changing data, and if you can... read more

This Week in Neo4j – Learning taxonomies from user tagged data, Hierarchical community detection using Louvain, Case Law Network Graph

Welcome to this week in Neo4j where we round up what’s been happening in the world of graph databases in the last 7 days. This week we have Hierarchical community detection using Louvain and a Case Law Network Graph. We also learn how to creating a schema.org linked data endpoint... read more

Check out this 5-minute interview with Chuck Calio from IBM PowerAI.

Chip Design on Graphs: 5-Minute Interview with Chuck Calio, Offering Manager, IBM PowerAI

We use Neo4j to design our next-generation Power chips, said Chuck Calio, Offering Manager IBM PowerAI at IBM. The future of graph technology is in AI, but it’s not the only use case. From designing hardware (naturally a graph) to dynamic pricing, IBM’s Chuck Calio sees use cases for... read more

Look at how a knowledge graph works to give your organization more wisdom.

Why You Should Start Thinking About Your Organization as a Graph

Do you think there is no space for a graph database in your company? Or it would be a huge effort to integrate a graph database into your product? I have to tell you: You can use a graph database like Neo4j without touching your product, and you can use it for managing your company’s... read more

Watch Dom Davis' presentation on how to decypher your graph model.

Decyphering Your Graph Model

Editor’s Note: This presentation was given by Dom Davis at GraphConnect Europe in May 2017. Presentation Summary Graphs really are everywhere, and building your graph database model from the highest possible vantage point using natural language – and the language specific to your... read more

Free Download O'Reilly Graph Algorithms book

Graph Algorithms in Neo4j: Connected Data & Graph Analysis

Until recently, adopting graph analytics required significant expertise and determination, since tools and integrations were difficult and few knew how to apply graph algorithms to their quandaries and business challenges. It is our goal to help change this. We are writing this blog series to... read more