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Read this 5-minute interview with Eric Spielgelberg, Senior Consultant at GraphAware.

Graphs Are Game-Changing for Cybersecurity: 5-Minute Interview with Eric Spiegelberg, Senior Consultant at GraphAware

"Cyber threat intelligence is high volume, unstructured and highly related. That last attribute makes it great for graphs," said Eric Spiegelberg, Senior Consultant at GraphAware. In this week's five-minute interview (conducted at GraphConnect New York), we discuss GraphAware’s work on... read more

Check out what an expanded schema data model looks like with Neo4j.

Microservice and Module Management with Neo4j

Editor’s Note: This presentation was given by John Lavin at GraphConnect New York in October 2017. Presentation Summary Refactoring monolithic applications into microservices requires putting thought into managing code and its dependencies. At Vanguard Group, some of the existing Java... read more

Learn why graph technology is the answer to internal risk models for FRTG compliance.

Effective Internal Risk Models for FRTB Compliance: Modern Graph Technology Is the Answer

Relational database technology can't handle what is coming in banking and risk modeling. By the 2020s, Accenture predicts current banking business models will be swept away by a tide of ever-evolving technology and other rapidly occurring changes. The right foundation for building compliance... read more

This Week in Neo4j – Deep Feature Learning for Graphs, Decision Trees, Customer Journey Analytics

Welcome to this week in Neo4j where we round up what’s been happening in the world of graph databases in the last 7 days. This week we have Deep Feature Learning for Graphs with the DeepGL algorithm, Decision Trees, Customer Journey Analytics, Data Vault in Neo4j, the GA of Neo4j-OGM... read more

Check out this 5-minute interview with Jessica Dembe and Patrick Elder of Blackstone Technology Group.

Visualizing Enterprise Architecture: 5-Minute Interview with Jessica Dembe & Patrick Elder, Blackstone Technology Group

"Native visualization was something that stood out to us, and we had struggled trying to do the same thing with other tools,” said Patrick Elder, Product Architect at Blackstone Technology Group. Enterprise architecture connects numerous IT assets using information from diverse systems. Once... read more

See how Keylines Combos create deeper graph visualization.

Mapping a Connected World: The Value of Geospatial Graph Visualization

One of the world’s first maps featured the night sky. Surprisingly, it also featured connected data. Over 1,000 years ago, Chinese astronomers used manuscript to plot 1,300 stars, recognizing the importance of making connections between clusters to identify constellations. Their mathematical... read more