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This Week in Neo4j: Data Fabric, Mapping App Flaws, Changes in Cypher, Graph Data Science, Recommendations, Visualization, CloudQuery, and More

This week's newsletter features several interesting articles. Get started using graph visualization to execute security queries with "How to use CloudQuery for Attack Surface Management and Graph Visualization", by Jason Kao blogging for the data integration platform CloudQuery. You'll extract... read more

Announcing Neo4j Graph Data Science 2.3

As Neo4j Graph Data Science approaches year three, we're excited to announce Graph Data Science 2.3, which includes new algorithms, a new graph embedding, and other performance and integration improvements that augment the ease and speed you conduct your analytics. Our goal is to continue... read more

Sebastian Müller

This Week in Neo4j: VS Code Extension, Geospatial Data, Closeness Centrality, Project Management, and More!

This week's newsletter features tools to make your life easier using graph theory and practical applications. Top of the list is a Neo4j VS Code extension to manage connections to Neo4j instances and run Cypher queries in the IDE. You can switch your active database connection anytime, run read... read more

How to Graph an ERP System in 3 Easy Steps

The use of ERP (enterprise resource planning) among businesses, especially larger ones, is widespread across global locations, handling multiple data types for sectors like finance, customers, suppliers, employees, and products. This results in huge data systems with massive intersections and... read more

Graph Analytics: The Future in Data Science?

Data leaders are currently facing the challenge of not only managing large volumes of data, but also extracting meaningful insights from that data. In many cases, the connections and relationships between data points are more important than the data points themselves. To effectively analyze... read more

Chris Anthes

This Week in Neo4j: OpenAI, Deploying on GCP, Neodash, Graph Algorithms, Python, and More

Thanks for tuning in to this week's newsletter! Check out Gaston Guitart's article for developers provisioning instances on GCP. This automated deployment system for Neo4j extensions is a workflow consisting of a GCP function and a NodesJS web app. You may also be interested in Eranga... read more