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Boosting AuraDB Read Performance With Secondaries

Boosting AuraDB Read Performance With Secondaries

Read-heavy applications require exceptional database performance, which is why we’re excited to announce the general availability of Secondaries on AuraDB Virtual Dedicated Cloud. Secondaries are read-only copies of your AuraDB database, and they significantly increase maximum read-query... read more

DXC Career Navigator: Data Driven Employee Career Development and Engagement

Editor's Note: This presentation was given by Michele Howard at GraphSummit 2022. During Neo4j's inaugural GraphSummit, we had the pleasure of hosting partners and customers to share insights and stories of their connected data journeys. We will be featuring more of them in this series of... read more

This Week in Neo4j: RDF, SPARQL, Pathfinder Algorithms, Graph Data Science, Predictive Analytics, and More

In this week's featured article, Agustin Martinez presents a comprehensive overview of RDF (Resource Description Framework) and LPG (Labeled Property Graph) models. He describes the various elements that exist in both models, and reviews the languages used to model, ingest, query, and validate... read more

Road to NODES Workshop Series: Oct 19 – Nov 2

Brush up your skills before NODES, our graph technology conference on Nov 16 and 17. The Road to NODES series of preparatory workshops will help you get the most out of the event. The workshops are presented by industry experts with a variety of backgrounds, so whether you are interested in... read more

Combating Disease Using Graphs: The 5-Minute Interview With Henrik Enquist

“As a beginner starting to use Neo4j for the first time, I would say just go with it, try it, play with a movie example data set, and just get familiar with it. It's really quite logical once you figure out the first few steps,” says Henrik Enquist, Advanced IT Developer at Novo... read more

Loading Data into Neo4j With Google Cloud Dataflow

Today’s enterprises don’t just need to manage larger volumes of data – they need to generate insight from their existing data. In cases such as product recommendation in retail, fraud detection in FSI, and identity management in gaming, the relationships between data points can matter more... read more

New Book: Full Stack GraphQL Applications (Download for Free!)

We published a new book! This technical deepdive about full stack GraphQL applications is hot off the presses, and we want to give you a sneak peek into its offerings. This first chapter teaser is going to whet your appetite for more expert insights into building data-intensive applications,... read more