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Ghlen Nagels Featured community member

This Week in Neo4j: Code Golf, GNNs, Knowledge Graph from A to Z, Link Prediction, and More

We are excited to announce Neo4j Code Golf, a Cypher coding contest with prizes totaling $27,000! Focused on optimizing code for performance, participants will write short Cypher queries to reduce time and resources, eventually leading to faster and more efficient queries. The fewer the... read more

Graph That Saves Lives: Connecting Research Papers to Clinical Trials to Saving Human Lives

Editor's Note: This presentation was given by Shilpa Karkeraa at Connections: Accelerating Innovation with Graphs. At Usha Renal Care Foundation, we are collecting information to put in self-organizing maps, in order to have an enriching knowledge repository of data for medical care. This... read more

This Week in Neo4j: Ops Manager Release, New .NET Courses, Cybersecurity, Twitter, Med Research, and More

Whether you're running a single instance of Neo4j, or multiple databases across clusters, you will be pleased to hear about the release of the Neo4j Ops Manager. This new product makes it effortless to monitor and administer all your Neo4j databases, instances, and clusters from a central... read more

Neo4j Ops Manager: One Place to Centrally and Easily Manage Neo4j Databases

Neo4j has launched a new product that allows your team to manage all of your Neo4j deployments at scale, effortlessly, from a single user interface. The Neo4j Ops Manager helps your database operations team monitor and administer Neo4j databases, hosts, and instances, on premises or in the... read more

Neo4j Integrates Into Your Data Ecosystem with Connectors

Neo4j’s graph platform is unique compared to traditional relational databases (RDBMS) and NoSQL datastores because it prioritizes connections between data points, called relationships, as first-class citizens. Relationships are just as easy to access and just as important as the data points, or... read more

Developers.Zed: The LinkedIn for Developers in Zambia

Disruption in technology is driving change across every major industry today, and that change represents a unique opportunity for organizations of any size and value to differentiate through innovation. Whether it's getting to Mars earlier than expected, or connecting disparate sources of... read more