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Women in Knowledge Graphs

Meet the Women Leading Innovation in Knowledge Graphs

We are so excited to share with you an outstanding webinar we hosted recently. We enlisted some of the brightest minds in tech to talk about their vast and varied experience with knowledge graphs, and share some insights on this exploding technology. We're especially delighted that this... read more

Sebastian Daschner

This Week in Neo4j: New Neo4j + Java Course, Interactive Dashboards, Intelligent Supply Chain Apps, and More

A new course is available on GraphAcademy for Building Neo4j Applications with Java! Michael Hunger and I collaborated to create a hands-on course that starts with a project skeleton and guides users through writing code to build a completed IMDB-clone application with Neo4j and Java. In the... read more

Neo4j Under the Hood: Application-Database Model Mismatch

Different types of database management systems store data in different structures. Choosing a data structure (data model) that is compatible with your application can go a long way. In the second episode of Neo4j Under the Hood, we break down the concept of data model and delve into the... read more

Fraud Detection: Finding the Needle in a Haystack with Knowledge Graphs

Editor's note: This presentation was given by Tawanda Ewing at Connections: Graphs for Cloud Developers 2021. As a Machine Learning Engineer for a startup called Deep Learning Café, I am in charge of getting most of our artificial intelligence and machine learning systems up and running in... read more

Demo: Building Intelligent Supply Chain Application with Neo4j

Supply chains are becoming increasingly complex as companies look to capitalize on new opportunities in the global marketplace. In order to stay competitive, enterprises must be able to quickly and efficiently adapt to changing conditions. One small change in the market can reverberate throughout... read more

featured community member

This Week in Neo4j: Announcing Graph Data Science 2.0 and AuraDS Releases!!!

The big news this week for Neo4j was two major releases: Graph Data Science (GDS) 2.0 and AuraDS. GDS 2.0 brings a ton of new features, such as improvements to similarity algorithms, unified machine learning pipelines, and simplified graph projections using Cypher. Another big highlight in... read more