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Cybersecurity: To Graph or Not to Graph. That Is the Query.

I think we can all agree that cybersecurity is one of today’s more acute concerns around the globe. After all, ransomware-related data leaks are up by 82 percent with a 40 percent overall increase in ransomware attacks during the pandemic. Identity theft increased by 42 percent in 2020... read more

Pause Your Neo4j Aura Instance, Save 80% on Costs

Aura now has the ability to pause your database instance when it’s not in use. You can pause with just a click (on the paid tiers) and while paused, you only incur 20 percent of the regular running cost. Neo4j Aura, Neo4j’s cloud-native graph service, is designed to be always on for... read more

Graph Data Science 2.0

New in 2022: Introducing Graph Data Science 2.0 and General Availability of AuraDS

It’s been a crazy journey going from our initial product launch two years ago to the fully featured graph data science platform we have today. When we started, we had a handful of your favorite graph algorithms, and a vision of making graph data science super simple. Today, we’re celebrating... read more

This Week in Neo4j: Space Junk, SHACL, Neo4j Apps with Python, Under The Hood, Spring Data, and More

You’ve probably heard about space debris and the growing risk of collision to satellites and space stations. According to Moriba Jah, who created ASTRIAGraph at the University of Texas at Austin, there are 26,000 trackable objects in space (excluding the smallest), of which only around 4,000... read more

Stefan Wendin With Stratazon’s Justo Boero Delbanco and Henrik Johansson

If you want to learn from experts in the graph space, you’ve come to the right place. The head of Neo4j’s Innovation Lab, Stefan Wendin, sat down with two executives at Stratazon, a Malmo-based international trade and development company that uses graph technology to develop valuable... read more

16 Things to Consider When Selecting the Right Graph Database

Selecting the right graph technology for your organization can be daunting. In this blog, we'll discuss what to look for in graph databases, related tools, and the vendors who sell and support them. Each vendor you consider should be able to explain how they address all these areas because... read more