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Featured Community Member: Eric Solender

This Week in Neo4j: Bitcoin, Free GraphAcademy Courses, Visualization Tools, Graph Database, and more

Over the past few months, we’ve been working on a new version of Neo4j GraphAcademy featuring brand new interactive, hands-on courses. This week, we are happy to announce a new course for Go developers called How to build a Neo4j Application with Go. GraphAcademy is a free online... read more

Graphie Winner Community MVP – Knowledge Graphs: 5-Minute Interview with Ashleigh Faith

Ashleigh Faith is a stalwart in the graph community. She has been a tireless advocate and champion of knowledge graphs, most recently applying that expertise to her role as Director of Knowledge Graph, Semantic Search, and MLAI at EBSCO Information Services. We were thrilled to publicly honor... read more

Michal Štefaňák

This Week in Neo4j: Viterbi Algorithm, Cypher Map Projection, Knowledge Graphs, and Full-Stack GraphQL

We have a knack for finding the power of relationships! This week, we look at the transformative influence of knowledge graphs in medical research and crime investigations. Enjoy the article demonstrating the Viterbi algorithm in Neo4j and improve your analytical reasoning to Sherlock... read more

Neo4j Quick Start on AWS Marketplace

Neo4j Quick Start on AWS Marketplace: The Fastest Path to Graph

We are excited to announce the launch of the Neo4j Quick Start template on Amazon Web Services (AWS) Marketplace. This Quick Start will allow users to deploy the Neo4j Graph Data Platform including: Neo4j Enterprise Edition Graph Database Graph Data Science (GDS)... read more