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This Week in Neo4j – GraphConnect 2022

We are very excited to announce that GraphConnect will be back this year in June! Currently we have opened the Call for Papers and encourage you all to submit - no matter what graph topic is currently top of your mind, we want to hear from you! Are you a Neo4j expert who wants to do more... read more

Graph Data Science: The Secret to Accelerating Innovation with AI/ML

Editor’s note: This presentation was given by Alicia Frame at Connections: Accelerating Innovation with Graphs. As Director of Data Science for Neo4j, I am excited to share how you can accelerate AI and machine learning innovation by using graph data science. While you can use queries to... read more

GeneWeaver: Building a Graph to Map Variants to Genes Using Neo4j 4.x and Bulk Import

Editor’s note: This presentation was given by Matthew Gerring at NODES 2021. The organization I work for, Jackson Laboratory, is a nonprofit biomedical research institution discovering precise genomic solutions for diseases and empowering the global biomedical community in the shared quest... read more

This Week in Neo4j – Web3, NFTs, PHP Dev, and Sports Data Science

Surely the most exciting part of Web3 is that it brings us closer to Web4j, which will be entirely based on property graphs. Past decentralization, a great thing about graphs is that they have no center, or equally that every connected member is a center (has centrality). You are a center. The... read more

Neo4j in the News – Winter Edition: Neo4j Growth, Big Data, and Cybercrime

Welcome back, everyone, and welcome to 2022! 2021 flew by like no other (arguably faster than 2020, I’d say). It’s hard to believe I’m writing a winter edition of our news round-up, having already wrapped up the holiday season. Over the last few months, we’ve read and spoken a... read more