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What to look for in an embedded graph database

Neo4j as an Embedded Database: What to Look for in an Embedded Graph Database

An embedded database is a database used inside another company’s application, providing added value and functionality. It enhances the functionality of the “host” application, usually without the end user realizing they are engaging with the embedded database. In this blog series,... read more

21 Awesome Neo4j Blogs from 2021

Well, that’s a wrap! 2021 absolutely flew by, to say the least… Even in the endless wake of COVID and climate disasters, supply chain issues and political firestorms, the pace just did not relent in the graph database space. So we decided to take a look back at the last 12 months through... read more

Check out Neo4j's biggest news announcements of 2021

Neo4j’s Top News Announcements of 2021

While many had no idea what to expect of the year 2021, I think it shaped up to be an interesting, and – shall I say – a very eventful one! Yes, we did still face challenges, like supply chain disruptions, remote work woes, and virtual events, to name a few… but we also celebrated the... read more