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Catch this week's GraphCast: Graph-Native Scale, the Trillion+ Relationship Graph

#GraphCast: Graph-Native Scale, the Trillion+ Relationship Graph

Welcome to this week's #GraphCast – our series featuring what you might have missed in Neo4j media from the past fortnight. Last time, our Blog Managing Editor, Angela Zimmerman, showcased a recent presentation from this year's NODES 2021 conference that provides a clear, concise introduction... read more

This Week in Neo4j

This Week in Neo4j – DeFi Blockchain Graph, FlatData, NER with SpaCy, NODES talks on API, App Development, DevOps, GraphQL, Bloom, Visual Query Builder

Hello, everyone! I’m leaving for some time off next week but I don’t want to leave you without the weekly update from the Neo4j ecosystem. I have three call-outs to make, and then let you digest the amazing content from this week. First of all: Neo4j Certification T-Shirts... read more

This Week in Neo4j

This Week in Neo4j – Data Journalism NYPD, Django Admin, Visualization Talks, CEO Podcast, Write Performance, Java GraphQL

Hello, everyone! Time really flies! It felt like only yesterday I was putting together last week's twin4j. I encourage you to share both the newsletter and blog with colleagues and friends who may also find it helpful. You can point them to the page with past issues and the sign-up... read more

Graphs4Good: Insights into Police Misconduct with Graphs

Graphs4Good: Insights into Police Misconduct with Graphs

On June 24, 2021, George Joseph of the Gothamist published a piece entitled "Mapping the Clusters of New York Police Department (NYPD) Officers Repeatedly Accused of Misconduct." Together with independent data journalist EJ Fox, Joseph detailed how controversial police conduct is often a group... read more

This Week in Neo4j

This Week in Neo4j – PHP Driver, Software Analytics, Chemical Patents, Streamlit TSNE, GraphQL Security, GitHub Copilot, Developer Tools, Nodes 2021

Hello, everyone! Another week gone, and many of you had a long weekend and a short week. But impressively, a lot of content has been created these last few days. Our featured member this week is Ghlen Nagels, the maintainer of the new PHP client library for Neo4j. We look at... read more