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This Week in Neo4j

This Week in Neo4j – Behind the Trillion Graph, Mocking Neo4j in JavaScript, Bloom Tricks, Reactive Driver, Cloud Integrations, Data Science Talks, Neo4j Review, AuraDB Quickstart Videos

Hello, everyone! Even with the start of the summer and NODES behind us, there is no pause of activity in the Neo4j community. This week we’ve seen a lot of articles, projects, and initiatives popping up. This week’s featured member Yisroel Yakovson just published a mocking... read more

Neo4j in the News – Summer Edition: Neo4j’s Recent Funding Round, Massive Graphs, Supply Chain, and HR’s Next Big Thing

It’s hard to believe we’re already halfway through 2021. It’s been a very eventful Q2 for Neo4j, and I’m excited to share some of the most notable highlights in our world! While we’ve certainly seen significant demand for our favorite topic – graphs – one of the more popular angles... read more

Knowledge Graphs Empower Your Data to Do More!

Hey everyone! It’s summertime and it’s getting hot out there. You know what else is hot? Knowledge graphs! In this month’s webinar round-up blog, I’m focusing on knowledge graphs – not only because they are driving industry disruption and business transformation, but also because... read more

This Week in Neo4j

This Week in Neo4j – Neo4j 4.3, SemSpect Graph App, Reconciling Taxonomies, Contest Winners, Relationship Indexes, prov2neo, NODES 2021 Recordings

Hello, everyone! We here at Neo4j are still "abuzz" about the presentations last week at NODES 2021 and the exciting announcements by Emil about Neo4j 4.3, AuraDB Free Tier, the massive trillion+ relationship graph, and the series F funding. Let’s keep up the... read more

Graph for Customer Golden Profile & Fraud Detection: 5-Minute Interview with Allianz Benelux

“Here at Allianz Benelux, we strongly believe in graph, as it allows us to look at data from a connected-data perspective. Instead of looking at data as individual pieces of information, we want to understand how all those pieces are linked to each other," said Jan Doumen, Head of Business... read more