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This Week in Neo4j

This Week in Neo4j – Recommendations, Shakespeare, Graphyx, AuraDB Free Tier, Dungeons and Dragons, GraphSAGE, NODES 2021

Hello, everyone! NODES 2021 has come and gone! It was a very successful online developer conference for us. We hope you were able to attend, but if not, we will be posting links to the recordings soon. We thank all of the speakers who presented. The week we're featuring Andrew... read more

Introducing Aura Free Tier EAP Launch

Announcing Early Access of Neo4j AuraDB Free Tier

At Neo4j, our mission is to help you make sense of your world by unlocking connections, influences, and relationships in your data with graph technology. Since the launch of Neo4j AuraDB, our fully managed graph database service, our customers – both startups and enterprises – have used... read more

Check out Emil's statement on Neo4j's largest funding round in database history.

Neo4j Raises the Largest Funding Round in Database History

Editor's Note: This blog originally appeared on the Emil Eifrem blog on June 17 2021. Man. I could not be more excited. On the same day that Neo4j burst through the trillion-relationship barrier in my NODES 2021 keynote demo, we are also announcing the largest investment round – not just in... read more

This Week in Neo4j

This Week in Neo4j – deps.dev, neo-forgery, Motherlode, tei2neo, RBAC with Azure AD, Prometheus, GraphStuff.FM Podcasts

Hello, everyone! This is the week of NODES 2021! We hope you will be there and can watch the keynote by our awesome CEO, Emil Eifrem. It is on June 17 at 8:00 a.m. ET, 12:00 p.m. UTC, 5:30 p.m. IST. Register here. In this edition, we have selected Samuel Chalvet as our featured... read more