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This Week in Neo4j – Neo4j GraphQL 1.0, GraphStuff.FM, RDBMS to Graph, Art History in VR

Hello, everyone! In this week’s episode, Neo4j Engineering announced the official release of the product-supported Neo4j GraphQL library, complete with new features, docs, and a migration guide. Will and Lju published another podcast episode for GraphStuff.FM on determining a... read more

Discover what the official release of the Neo4j GraphQL Library has to offer and learn how to get started with the library.

Announcing the Neo4j GraphQL Library: Build Low-Code GraphQL APIs Faster

As application development shifts towards modern architectures, with an emphasis on flexibility and speed to market, tools like GraphQL are redefining API design and client-server interaction to improve the experiences of developers. Modern, intelligent applications of today require APIs... read more

Advantages of Neo4j AuraDB Enterprise: Fast and Secure

Neo4j AuraDB Enterprise is a graph database-as-a-service, offered by the creators of the only enterprise native graph database. Fully managed and completely automated, Neo4j AuraDB is the fastest way to build graph applications in the cloud, without the friction of managing infrastructure. What... read more

This Week in Neo4j – Hackathon, SQL Server to Neo4j, Hexology Startup, Recap GGCD 2021

Hello, everyone! In this week’s episode, Tara gives us details on the Leonard Euler Idea Contest - registrations now open! Hadi published an article on how to export indexes and constraints from SQL Server graph tables to Neo4j. Darrel explains how Hexology is utilizing Neo4j... read more

Advantages of Neo4j AuraDB Enterprise: Effortless and Scalable

Why You Need a Fully Managed Graph Data Platform Today’s developers and data practitioners face a number of challenges: An urgent need for advanced analytics to inform business strategy Morasses of siloed data, subject to increasing regulation Digital initiatives slowed or even... read more