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Peformance tuning and troubleshooting the Neo4j BI Connector

The Neo4j BI Connector: Performance

Graph data platform adoption is on the rise. But does this mean that people have to give up their favorite BI tools? The answer is a resounding no. The Neo4j BI Connector delivers direct access to Neo4j graph data from business intelligence (BI) tools such as Tableau, Looker, TIBCO Spotfire... read more

This Week in Neo4j – Advent of Code, Using Neo4j with PySpark on Databricks, Dark Netflix Series Graph

Hello everyone, It’s TWIN4j time. We’ll start with this week’s video, which is all about GoGM, an object graph mapper for Neo4j and the Go programming language. Tomaz Bratanic does an extensive analysis of the ArXiv dataset, Lukas Böhres combines Neo4j and Pyspark,... read more

Learn more about graph data science.

Evolving Your Application of GDS Technology

Today, graph data science (GDS) is usually applied in business with one or more major aims in mind: better decisions, increased quality of predictions, and creating new ways to innovate and learn. These goals are increasingly tied to tangible benefits, such as reduced financial loss, faster... read more

Learn more about how the GRANDstack makes handling complex data easy.

How the GRANDstack Makes Handling Complex Data Easy

Editor’s Note: This presentation was given by Michael Porter at NODES 2019 in October 2019. Presentation Summary GRANDstack is a full-stack framework for building applications with GraphQL, React, Apollo and the Neo4j Database. In this talk, Michael Porter, Founder of Muddy Boots Code,... read more