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Find More Fraud with Graph Data Science [Infographic]

Financial fraud is growing more sophisticated every day – and fraudsters are not slowing down their efforts. To detect and prevent costly fraud schemes, you need a better understanding of your data. This infographic breaks down how graph data science unleashes the power of your existing data,... read more

This Week in Neo4j – Hierarchical Layouts in Bloom 1.4, Graph Data Science with LynxKite, FullStack GraphQL Book Club

Hi everyone, This week Will Lyon started the FullStack GraphQL book club. If you’ve been waiting for the right time to get started with the GRANDstack, maybe that time is now, along with the rest of the community. Amy Holder launched the new version of Neo4j Bloom, David Allen... read more

An Explosion of Use Cases: 5-Minute Interview with Rik Van Bruggen

"I think the performance and the security features are really going to open up new types of applications. That's the beauty of working in an open core company like Neo4j," said Rik Van Bruggen, Vice President for Sales, Neo4j. In this week's five-minute interview (conducted at GraphTour... read more

Check out this podcast on the Graph Databases For Dummies book.

Graphistania Podcast: Authors Discuss Graph Databases For Dummies

Rik Van Bruggen invited special guest, Dr. Jim Webber, on a Graphistania podcast session to chat about Graph Databases For Dummies, a recently published book they co-authored. Graph Databases For Dummies, Neo4j Special Edition, is the first book Rik and Jim worked on together. Prior to this... read more