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The Lean-In Moment: 5-Minute Interview with Paul Westcott

"GraphTour is something that allows us to think differently. We have one-to-one sessions and we're able to collaborate, but it's nice to come to something like this and see other people and how they're using graph technology," said Paul Westcott, Product Director at Dun & Bradstreet. If company... read more

Check out this interview on Graph Database For Dummies.

5-Minute Interview: Graph Databases For Dummies with Dr. Jim Webber and Rik Van Bruggen

Recently we sat down with the authors of Graph Databases For Dummies, Neo4j Special Edition, Dr. Jim Webber and Rik Van Bruggen. Dr. Webber is Neo4j's Chief Scientist and Mr. Van Bruggen leads the Neo4j sales team in Europe, and has been doing so for eight years. This interview takes a... read more

Enroll in this course on graph algorithms today.

New GraphAcademy Course: Introduction to Graph Algorithms in Neo4j 4.0

We have added this new course to our catalog of free online courses – Introduction to Graph Algorithms in Neo4j 4.0. This course is intended for experienced Cypher developers and data scientists who want to learn the most important best practices for using the algorithms in the Graph... read more

Learn about graph data science

Insider Guide to Graph Data Science: First, a Brief Overview

What does the insider's guide to graph data science (GDS) entail? We like to think of it as all the really cool stuff in GDS that's not the algorithms – what tips and tricks GDS pros need to know. During this blog series, we'll cover a variety of topics, from memory management to... read more

This Week in Neo4j – Images and Wikipedia Data with GraphQL, Neo4j.Driver.Extensions, Link Prediction with AutoML

Hi everyone, I hope you all had a good week. There’s now only one week until NODES 2020, so it’s probably time to work out what talks you’re going to attend. And this week we have virtual training sessions for the Neo4j Certified Professionals. Our video this week is... read more

Check out this video talking about graphs in life sciences.

#GraphCast: Graphs in Life Sciences – The Cure for Connecting Complex Data

Welcome to this week's #GraphCast – our series featuring what you might have missed in Neo4j media from the past fortnight. Last time, our Staff Writer, Zaw Win Htet, featured an exposé on how the ICIJ used the power of graph technology to help map out the FinCEN files, which revealed how... read more