The Panama Papers Graph Database Is Now Available for Download

Ryan Boyd

Director of Developer Relations @ Neo4j

Learn about the New Panama Papers Graph Database That Is Now Available for Download from the ICIJ
Editor’s Note: Don’t miss this live webinar with Mar Cabra on how the ICIJ used Neo4j to unravel the Panama Papers happening today (26 May) at 9:00 PDT / 18:00 CEST. Click here to register or for more info.

The International Consortium of Investigative Journalists (ICIJ) used Neo4j to power their investigation of how the various entities were connected in the Panama Papers.

Initially they released the CSV files which you could use with neo4j-import or on the command-line interface. Now, they’ve also released the data as a Neo4j database bundled with a Neo4j installation.

You can download the data directly from their website.

I created a short video showing how you can get started with the Mac distribution:

We’ve also recently released Neo4j 3.0.1 on Docker, and I wanted to show how you could quickly start analyzing the Panama Papers on Docker with one simple command:

docker run -p 7474:7474 ryguyrg/neo4j-panama-papers

I hope you enjoy playing with this data! I’m looking forward to hearing about what you find on Twitter using #neo4j.

Looking for more details on how Neo4j was used in the Panama Papers investigation? Check out our full coverage here:

Want to get started with Neo4j for the first time? Click below to get your free copy of the Learning Neo4j ebook and catch up to speed with the world’s leading graph database.