This Week in Neo4j: Bitcoin, Free GraphAcademy Courses, Visualization Tools, Graph Database, and more

Sr. Manager, Developer Community
3 min read

Over the past few months, we’ve been working on a new version of Neo4j GraphAcademy featuring brand new interactive, hands-on courses. This week, we are happy to announce a new course for Go developers called How to build a Neo4j Application with Go.
GraphAcademy is a free online training resource with beginner courses and curated learning paths for administrators, Aura practitioners, data scientists, and polyglot developers. Check out all the courses!
Yolande Poirier

REAL-TIME DASHBOARD: Bitcoin Transactions With Neo4j and NeoDash
Tomaz Bratanic presents a simple architecture to listen for, store, and analyze Bitcoin transactions in real-time using, respectively, the WebSocket API, Neo4j, and NeoDash. It’s a free endpoint and does not require any authorization.NEW COURSE: How to Build a Neo4j Application With Go
In this free course, you will learn about the Neo4j Go Driver by adding it into an existing project, and then modifying a set of services to interact with Neo4j. The three modules – project setup, the Go driver, and the interaction with Neo4j – will guide you from complete beginner to expert.TRAINING SERIES: Getting Started With Neo4j Bloom
BEGINNER BLOG: What the Heck Is a “Graph Database”?
Timo Klimmer gives a clear overview of graph databases, its core concepts, and examples. In addition, he introduces real-world use cases and the problems that graph databases can solve compared to other databases. This is an excellent article for anyone new to the field.UNDER THE HOOD: Graph Database as a System of Record
In this new video, Chris Gioran explains Neo4j efficient query processing, memory, and CPU management. They all make Neo4j a reliable and performant graph DBMS, suitable for use as a generic application storage backend or system of record.TWEET OF THE WEEK: @Ifeanyidiaye
Don’t forget to retweet it if you liked it!Used @neo4j to query the #Disney voice actors dataset, in particular the movie, Pocahontas. And it’s amazing that I have watched Pocahontas like a zillion times, and I had no clue that Mel Gibson voiced Captain John Smith until now ? #DataAnalytics #Graph #GraphDataScience
— iFeanyi (@Ifeanyidiaye) March 17, 2022
The series of videos about Neo4j AuraDB free with Michael and Alexander.
The Neo4j training Series about GraphQL, introduction to Neo4j, and knowledge graph.
You can still participate in our Neo4j Developer Survey. It takes only a few minutes.
Don’t miss the weekly videos in the Bite-Sized Neo4j for Data Scientists series. In parts 25 to 29, Clair Sullivan presents a five-part series to help with your Kaggle competition graph.