This Week in Neo4j: GraphAcademy, Algorithms, GenAI, Knowledge Graphs and more

Senior Developer Marketing Manager
3 min read

Welcome to This Week in Neo4j, your weekly fix for news from the world of graph databases!
There is a lot of content available for learners in this edition. Besides the updates to GraphAcademy and our Workshops in March, O’Reilly is conducting a Knowledge Graph Course. As readers of our newsletter, you get a free 30-day trial.
In other news, we have a cool way of looking at Graph Algorithms, learn how to find songs from lyrics and a witty keynote on AI.
I hope you enjoy this issue,Alexander Erdl
- NODES 2023: Watch Recordings
- Live Stream: Going Meta – Episode 26 on March 5
- Conferences: Find us at Women in Tech Day on March 8
- Meetup: Meet us virtually and in London, UK on March 6 or in Bangkok, TH on March 7
- All Neo4j Events: Webinars and More
- GraphSummit Series: Get Connected With Graphs – Next up: Copenhagen, DK on March 7
- Training Series: Hands-On Tutorials, March 14-26
FEATURED NODES SPEAKER: Sebastian Lobentanzer
Dr. Sebastian Lobentanzer, a seasoned biomedical researcher, develops innovative solutions for biomedical research; with a passion for accessible data analysis, he creates frameworks for biomedical applications. He actively promotes open-source initiatives, fostering robust and reproducible workflows in the research community.
Connect with him on LinkedIn.
In his session at NODES “BioCypher/BioChatter: An Ecosystem for Connecting Knowledge Graphs and LLMs” Sebastian presents an open-source frameworks for knowledge graph creation and LLM interaction, aiming to increase accessibility for the research community. He introduces the BioCypher & BioChatter libraries, which enable the creation of knowledge graphs for various biomedical applications and facilitate interactions between human researchers, LLMs, knowledge graphs, and vector databases.

GRAPHACADEMY: New Courses Available
Our team have released new courses on our Free Online Learning Platform. The latest addition is “Build a Neo4j-backed Chatbot with TypeScript”. We also invite you to our upcoming Training Series in March with various topics from Introduction to Neo4j to RAG App Deployment.GRAPH ALGORITHMS: Neo4j Graph Algorithms Table of Elements
Hari Gurumoorthi is an Advanced Data Analytics Specialist at BT Group and published his take on the Neo4j Graph Algorithms visualised as Table of Elements. It is a great overview of the different types of algorithms and looks extremely cool!GENAI: A Gen AI-Powered Song Finder in Four Lines of Code
Have you ever wanted to find a song, but you don’t remember what it was called, nor who wrote it? Christoffer Bergman shows us how to build a tool that helps us with that and goes beyond ChatGPT by integrating with Neo4j.VIDEO: Lies, Damn Lies, and AIs by Jim Webber
GenerativeAI has taken the world by storm, but it’s not always a reliable helper. It makes up alternative facts, has difficulty with number and logical reasoning, all while exuding the confidence of a dodgy politician! Watch Jim Webber’s closing keynote from JFokus in Stockholm now.TWEET OF THE WEEK: Ed Carron
I’m “Launching” the first version of my CompaniesHouseInterface #data investigation tool for analysing business networks, pulling data from UK Companies House and creating an Neo4j graph DB visualisation
— Ed Carron (@EdCarron) February 6, 2024
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