20 NODES 2022 Talks You Don’t Want to Miss

Sr. Manager, Developer Community
2 min read

We did it together! Thank you, everyone, for making NODES 2022 such a success, especially the speakers, community partners, and the folks behind the scenes.
Several thousands of you enjoyed over 100 technical sessions during the 24-hour conference across all timezones with the beginner track live-streamed on social media.
All talks (with slides) are now available online, and many speakers also tagged their code repositories, so you can find them easily.
Our keynote speaker Nicholas Christakis, the renowned social scientist, discussed the effects of social networks and how they affect behavior in groups and our society.
CEO and Co-founder of Neo4j, Emil Eifrem, stayed up late to answer attendees’ questions in all three time zones!
Please enjoy these and all other NODES talks and share them widely with your friends, colleagues, and communities.
We hope that we achieved our goal of making NODES 2022 an inclusive educational event for both developer and data science communities.
And to help you decide which talks to watch first, here is a recommended list based on attendee ratings:
Top 20 Talks by Attendee Rating
#1. Hidden in the Clouds: Using Graph Technology to Understand Your Cloud Estate by Rhys Evans
#2. Using Graph for Suspicious Bitcoin Transactions by Adam Turner
#3. Visualizing Geo-Graphs With NeoDash 2.1 by Niels De Jong
#4. Building a Neo4j/Python OGM by Estelle Scifo
#5. CloudScreen: A Graph-Based Drug Repurposing Platform Empowered by Machine Learning by Vasilis Panagiotopoulos, Alexandros Kanterakis, and Sotiris Ouzounis
#6. A Developer’s Guide to Building a Graph Project Value Case by Rik Van Bruggen
#7. Making Sense of Geospatial Data With Knowledge Graphs by William Lyon
#8. Neo4j Lectures of the Stanford CS224W Course (CN) by Zihao Zhang
#9. Building Neo4j Ops Manager: Lessons From Dogfooding by Sascha Peukert
#10. Take Data to the Next Level With Graph Machine Learning by Chaitra Ravada and Joinal Ahmed
#11. Aura Enterprise is Coming to Azure Cloud by Paul Blewett
#12. Analyzing Spammers in Twitter User Network by Mananai Saengsuwan
#13. Towards Real-time Knowledge Graphs for Non-Player Characters in Games by Owen Brierley
#14. Native Graph Algorithms in Rust by Paul Horn, Martin Junghanns
#15. Graph Algorithms and Visualization for Clinical Care Support of Pneumonia by Mengjia Kang, Ana Areias
#16. Neo4j With Docker and Docker Compose Deep Dive by Christophe Willemsen
#17. Temporal Graph Analysis by Fabio Montagna
#18. Demystifying Graph Analytics With Visualization by Corey Lanum
#19. From Game of Thrones to Information System Cartography by Adrien Sales
#20. Playing With State Machines by Pierre Halftermeyer
We hope you’ve enjoyed pursuing our list of these top talks. You can check out our NODES 2022 playlist on YouTube for a seamless experience if you’re hungry for more!