This Week in Neo4j: Algorithms, GraphQL, Knowledge Graph Book, GraphStuff.FM Podcast, and More

Sr. Manager, Developer Community
2 min read

Welcome to this week’s newsletter! Check out the blog on graph algorithms by Alison Cossette (Hot Algo Summer) with clearly explained examples and easy to follow code snippets. And there’s angrykoala’s end-to-end technical blog (Improving a Node.js GraphQL Server Performance) on identifying and fixing performance issues of the @neo4j/graphql library. Otherwise, you could listen to the latest episode of GraphStuff.FM, “What Is Graph Data Science?”
Cheers,Yolande Poirier
- LiveStream: Discovering AuraDB Free with Michael & Alexander on July 10, 2023.
- LiveStream: GraphTFT on July 11, 2023.
- All Neo4j Events: Webinar, Live demos, and More.
- GraphSummit Series: Get Connected With Graphs.
Donovan is an Expert Software Engineer at JB Hunt, specializing in .Net and Java applications in and around Azure. He is actively working to automate processes, eliminate human errors while using graphs. In his NODES talk, he discusses IAC SchemaSmith for data governance at JB Hunt. Watch his talk!

ALGORITHMS: Hot Algo Summer
Alison Cossette demonstrates the use of 3 algorithms that are new to Graph Data Science 2.4 in the categories of community detection, pathfinding, and graph sampling. There are working code samples for experimenting with the algorithms K-Core Decomposition, Bellman-Ford Shortest-Path, and Common Neighbour Aware Random Walk.TROUBLESHOOTING: Improving a Node.js GraphQL Server Performance
angrykoala discusses the tools and processes used to identify and fix some of the performance problems in a Node.js server for GraphQL. For users of the @neo4j/graphql library, these performance improvements are available in @neo4j/graphql 3.19.LIVE STREAM: Graph-Based Linguistics
Maria Di Maro is a Post-Doc at the University of Naples ‘Federico II.’ In this talk, she emphasizes the potential of graphs to extract information more intricate and detailed than corpus linguistics and basic text-based statistical models.
A BOOK REVIEW: Knowledge Graphs
PODCAST: What Is Graph Data Science?
TWEET OF THE WEEK: @graph_aware
Congrats to the WAPOL team on successfully launching the IRIS #graphanalytics platform. WAPOL has done a great job implementing @Neo4j & #Hume. We look forward to continuing to work together to make it easier to solve crimes faster in Western Australia.
— GraphAware – we’re hiring! (@graph_aware) July 3, 2023
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