This Week in Neo4j: Data Journalism, LLMs, Object Mapping, Cypher and more

Senior Developer Marketing Manager
3 min read

Welcome to This Week in Neo4j, your weekly fix for news from the world of graph databases!
Do you remember the ICIJ from the Panama Papers? They published an update with new features to Datashare – their platform for investigative journalists. Also this week, we look at LLM-powered Conversation Interfaces, Object Mapping with .NET and the Cypher Workbench.
I would like to draw your attention to our upcoming Training Series in March. We cover a wide range of topics from Introduction to RAG App Deployment to Geospatial Analytics. I am sure you’ll find them useful.
I hope you enjoy this issue,Alexander Erdl
- NODES 2023: Watch Recordings
- Live Stream: Neo4j Live: Social Science Meets Knowledge Graphs on February 22
- Conferences: Find us at Developer Week 2024 in Oakland, CA on February 21-23 and Orlando Code Camp in Sanford, FL on February 24
- Meetup: Meet us in Virtually on February 21 and in Malmö, SE on February 25 & 26
- All Neo4j Events: Webinars and More
- GraphSummit Series: Get Connected With Graphs – Next up: London, UK on February 22
- Training Series: Hands-On Tutorials, March 14-26
Abhishek is a full-stack developer, well-versed in utilising various tools and platforms that enhance development processes and user interactions. With a passion for innovation, he consistently empowers progress through his creative and insightful approach to problem-solving.
Connect with him on LinkedIn.
In his session at NODES “Exploring Neo4j Workspace: Streamlined Access To Essential Graph Tools” Abhishek gives a quick tour of the Neo4j Workspace, where you can model, query, import and visualise data.

DATA JOURNALISM: Datashare’s new plug-in helps investigative journalists connect the dots with graphs
Carmen Molina Acosta and Clément Doumouro share the latest update to their research platform, Datashare, with new features that significantly improve the analysis of large data leaks. Integrating Neo4j into Datashare empowers journalists to rapidly transform document data into visual graphs, revealing connections between individuals and corporations.LLMs: From Code to Conversation: Unleashing the Potential of Neo4j with LLM Powered Conversational Interfaces
This guide by S S Kumar offers a roadmap for creating LLM-powered applications that allow users to effortlessly query Neo4j graph databases in natural language, simplifying data exploration. It covers development best practices, aiming to democratise data access and empower users to build conversational interfaces for insightful data analysis.OBJECT MAPPING: Object Mapping in the Neo4j Driver for .NET
Richard Irons shows us a new feature in the .NET driver for Neo4j that simplifies the process of mapping Cypher query results to C# objects. This enhancement eliminates repetitive coding, offering flexible mapping options for all possible scenarios.CYPHER: Cypher Workbench
Cypher Workbench, now available under Neo4j Labs, is a suite of tools designed to assist in conceptualising, modelling, and working with graphs and the Cypher query language, complementing existing Neo4j tools like Browser, Bloom, and Workspace. Eric Monk shows us how to download and install and gives an example of a graph development workflow using the workbench.TWEET OF THE WEEK: Nilesh Kumar
Check out our new publication on @neo4j @nilesh_uab, @SMukhtarlab (2023). Building Protein–Protein Interaction Graph Database Using Neo4j. In: Mukhtar, S. (eds) Protein-Protein Interactions. Methods in Molecular Biology, vol 2690. Humana, New York, NY.
— Nilesh Kumar | Ph.D. (@nilesh_uab) July 26, 2023
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