This Week in Neo4j: NODES Session Recordings, Connection in Large Data Sets, Graph ML Systems, Next.js, Graph Embeddings, Bitcoin, and More

Yolande Poirier

Sr. Manager, Developer Community

Estelle Scifo
Thanks to the many creative speakers, committed partners, and engaged members from the global graph community, NODES 2022 was a great success! All video recordings from NODES 2022 are – or will soon be – online. You can now sit back and enjoy over 100 community talks from the 24-hour event. You’ll find a wide variety of projects, technology stacks, and use cases from graph practitioners. There’s really content for everyone, beginners and experts alike. It’s a great library of current graph expertise available for free and we hope that you will use it to get more out of your data and innovate in 2023. Happy browsing and learning! Cheers, Yolande Poirier PS: If you are curious about the top 20 NODES talks by attendee rating, check out this blog
Estelle is a data scientist and the CTO of SmartGrid Communications. Ever since she discovered graph machine learning and graph databases a few years ago, she couldn’t stop modeling the world with graphs. She is the creator and maintainer of neomap (Neo4j Desktop application to visualize spatial data) and the author of “Exploring Graph Algorithms with Neo4j” (video) and “Hands-on Graph Analytics with Neo4j” (book) via Packt Publishing. You can follow her on LinkedIn. In her NODES 2022 presentation, Estelle explains how to leverage Cypher map projections and Python dynamic typing to build an Object Graph Mapper for Neo4j. Check it out.
CONNECTIONS PROBLEM: Finding the Right Path Through a Graph
In this blog, David Allen discusses the connection problems of large datasets with implicit and undiscoverable paths. When working with graph databases, key data insights may be extracted from the forest, not the trees.
MACHINE LEARNING: 6 Steps to Activate the Value of Text to Graph Machine Learning Systems
In this article, data scientist Sean Robinson constructs a text-to-graph machine learning pipeline. He explains how to create a set of embeddings that can be used for a number of downstream tasks such as clustering for recommender systems, classification, and link prediction.
PROGRAMMING: Using Neo4j in Your Next Next.js Project
Adam Cowley integrates Neo4j with a Next.js project, and explores the challenges of the various data fetching methods and both server-side and client-side rendering. The abundance of code and screenshots make this walkthrough easy to follow.
NODES SESSION: Using Graph Embeddings for Suspicious Bitcoin Transactions
Adam Turner describes how to find features of ransomware Bitcoin transactions from graph embeddings using Neo4j Graph Data Science in his NODES lightning talk.
DATABASE: Do We Need Data Normalization Anymore?
In this blog, Jennifer Reif discusses the data normalization process, using the data for a small coffee shop as an example. The article focuses on the first three normal forms most commonly applied in business practice.  
DATA SCIENCE: Beating Wikirace by Finding the Optimal Path With Neo4j and Dijkstra’s Algorithm
What’s the quickest route from one Wikipedia page to another? That’s the basis of the game Wikirace, solved in this article by Peder Ward, Data Scientist, using a graph database.
USE CASE: Using A Graph Recommendation Algorithm For Predicting Chemical—Cell Interaction
In this article, Tom Nijhof implements a collaborative filtering algorithm in a graph database to predict reactions between a chemical and a specific cell line. It’s rich with technical detail, screenshots of each step, and links to code.
TWEET OF THE WEEK: @rastadidi
Don’t forget to retweet if you like it!
… Of Special Interest
    •  Saurabh Mishra gives a quick overview of Neo4j AuraDB, a fully managed graph database as a service for developers building graph-powered applications on Google Cloud. Check it out.
    • Ben Lackey discusses the power of graph databases and how they can help you find deeper insights through the relationships in your data. Watch it now!
    • Presentation in Spanish ¿Cómo sería tu app con una base de datos en grafo? Demo con ingenieros de Neo4j. Find it on YouTube!