This Week in Neo4j: Typescript Course, Better Graph Displays, Using Apache Hop, and More

Yolande Poirier

Sr. Manager, Developer Community

Owen Brierley
As far as data sources go, users are some of the best. That’s why we’re asking for your help with a brief survey to understand how you’re using JSON data: what the sources of your JSON data are, what level of nesting your typical JSON document contains, how self-contained your JSON documents are, if you have a good understanding of the schema of your JSON files, and whether or not you need to mix and match different data formats into your graph load.

If you could answer those five questions on the survey form, that will go far in enabling us to design products that meet your needs.  

If you’re a developer building modern applications with GraphQL, we need your help defining what a new GraphQL service offering from Neo4j could look like. Please take the time to answer this short, two-minute survey. Your opinion matters!

Yolande Poirier

P.S.: 100 NODES talks related to graph technology are now available for free! Check them out!  
Owen Brierley is a game design researcher and PhD candidate in computational media design. He is a 30-year veteran of the interactive digital media sector who has a passion for exploring integrations across disciplines. As a researcher, Owen’s intense curiosity leads him to combine media forms to solve thorny challenges in both the arts and technology. His latest work, as part of his doctoral thesis, brings the power of Neo4j into the world of 3D games and simulations. From non-deterministic and procedural animations of proteins in a cell to the humble act of training an AI character to go grocery shopping, Owen seeks to bridge the worlds of real-time simulations with graph data science. You can follow him on LinkedIn.
In his NODES 2022 presentation, Owen discusses the development of a Neo4j plugin for Epic Game’s Unreal Engine to allow for communications between a game environment’s players and non-player characters. Watch it now!
VISUALIZATION: Python, Neo4j, and Yworks
Wilson Chua explains how to get better graph displays with Yworks. This article includes easy to follow, step-by-step descriptions to install plug-ins and work the example in a Jupiter notebook.
GRAPH ACADEMY: Building Neo4j Applications with TypeScript
Adam Cowley describes a brand new course on Graph Academy, Building Neo4j Applications with TypeScript. The course aims to teach you how to interact with Neo4j using TypeScript, covering everything you need to know to use the Neo4j JavaScript driver effectively in your TypeScript project.
DATA: Loading Data From Hive to Neo4j by Using Apache Hop (All Inside Docker Containers)
In this blog, Tarun Bali explains how to load data stored in a relational Hive data warehouse to an LPG-based Neo4j graph database by using the Apache Hop ETL tool. From setting up Hop workflows and pipelines, to exploring the graph, the steps are clearly indicated in this well-organized article.
NODES SESSION: Building a Visual Rail Planner with NeoDash
Niels De Jong explores how to visualize a geo-graph on a map – and customize the visualization to use live properties from Neo4j.

David Stevens explains how Neo4j uses the Graph Project Assessment to help customers succeed – and used Neodash to create reusable visualizations. Switching between customers was a snap with Neodash’s new Action feature.
COMMUNITY EVENT: In the World of Graphs, ML, and Cloud
Dhruv Mankad describes the presentations from a recent event from Neo4j in association with Google at the Google Bengaluru Office: “In the world of Graphs, ML, and Cloud.” The event was focused on real world use cases of different technologies in telecommunications, recommendations, traffic control, and generative AI.
PERSPECTIVE: What I Learned at Neo4j’s NODES 22 Conference
Interesting take on NODES 2022 by B. Cameron Gain with an emphasis on use cases exemplifying the latest innovations in data science made possible by data graph tools.
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    •  A new Neo4j Elasticsearch plugin is now available for Neo4j 5. It integrates a Neo4j change-feed with an ElasticSearch cluster.
    • KnowAIS is a self-service analytics platform for a global shipping network. The goal is to develop support system to process AIS Big Data in a timely manner through insight generation and monitoring of the global shipping network.Learn more!
    • Neo4j Docker Extension GitHub project. With this Docker Extension, you can set up Neo4j with just a few commands/clicks. Find it here.