This Week in Neo4j: Website Analysis, Conversational AI, Graph Machine Learning, Facial Recognition, Graph Tutorial, and More

Sr. Manager, Developer Community
3 min read


KNOWLEDGE GRAPH: Analyze Your Website With NLP
Tomaz Bratanic implements an NLP pipeline to parse a website for useful, unstructured data to construct a knowledge graph. Analyses of website network, link, keyword, and co-occurrence topic clustering are all thoroughly documented with code and links to Jupyter notebooks.AI: Conversational Artificial Intelligence With Neo4j and the Unreal Engine – Part 1
Antonio Origlia describes how Real-Time Interactive 3D applications powered by the Unreal Engine are using graph database technology to enable the representation and investigation of knowledge. This blog is based on research conducted in the field of Embodied Conversational Agents (ECAs) at the URBAN/ECO Research Centre of Federico II University in Naples.NODES SESSION: Take Data to the Next Level With Graph Machine Learning
ML: How to Find False Positives in Facial Recognition With Neo4j
TOOL: Manage EoLs Like a Boss With
TUTORIAL: A Simple Guide to Get Started With Graph Databases
Don’t forget to retweet, if you like it!Putting together a dataset to help understand how public lands are governed in US Congress with #Neo4j
— William Lyon (@lyonwj) January 9, 2023
- Discover AuraDB with Michael and Alexander on January 16, 2023.
- Going Meta A Series on Graphs, Semantics, and Knowledge Ep. 12 on January 17, 2023.
- Full Stack GraphQL Book Club, Chapter 7: Adding Authorization And Authentication on January 18, 2023.
- OMG – Ohh My Graphs! on January 20, 2023.
- The new Neo4j extension for VS Code allows you to add multiple connections and run Cypher straight from a file or your current text selection. Learn about it.
- neo4j-osmnx-experiments project works with OpenStreetMap data in Neo4j using OSMnx. This project uses Poetry to manage dependencies and Python virtual environments. Check it out.
- Neo4j Java Driver Tool Belt project now consists of a read-only object mapper and a parameter renderer. The idea is to collect a bunch of tooling around the official Neo4j Java Driver. Learn more.
- Dairon Pérez Frías created a series video tutorials in Spanish about Neo4j. Kudos to Dairon! Discover his tutorials