This Week in Neo4j: Graph Embeddings, OSS Vulnerabilities, Supply Chain Stack, Star Wars Graph, Chatbot MD, and More!

Sr. Manager, Developer Community
3 min read

With graph data science, you can choose between several graph embedding algorithms, and generating low-dimensional vector spaces is easy. But how do you evaluate the embedding results in your machine learning application? Enter Emblaze, a Jupyter notebook widget for visually comparing embeddings developed by Carnegie Mellon University’s Data Interaction Group. In his tutorial, Nathan Smith shows you the power of the widget’s Python API to perform dimensionality reduction on multiple sets of embedding data and compare the embeddings using animated scatter plots.
Don’t miss the tutorial: Understanding Graph Embeddings with Neo4j and Emblaze
Yolande Poirier

GRAPH EMBEDDINGS: Understanding Graph Embeddings With Neo4j and Emblaze
Say you’ve generated graph embedding vectors for your machine learning pipeline. How do you find the best one for your application? In this tutorial with Nathan Smith, you will generate multiple graph embeddings and then use Emblaze, a Jupyter notebook widget, to visualize and compare the results.SECURITY: How Neo4j’s Graph Database Can Remediate Vulnerabilities
See how the team at Debricked is using graph technology to map the deep dependencies that package managers miss. They find safe versions of root dependencies of open source software, automating the update process.VIDEO: Exploring a Star Wars Dataset in Neo4j
BLOG: Data Stack at Scoutbee – Episode 1
CHATBOT: Navigate a Medical Knowledge Graph Using English
Sixing Huang presents, a multilingual voice chatbot that is using a knowledge graph to get medical questions answered in the language of your choice – without a doctor!TUTORIAL: Getting Started With a Graph Database
Ved Vasu Sharma helps you set up a Neo4j Graph Database on your local system and start running queries with Cypher.TWEET OF THE WEEK: @javiercha
Don’t forget to retweet if you like it!#DayofDH2022: I use #Neo4j to research medieval Korean intellectual history. My @bigdatastudies lab approaches data centers and the global IT infrastructure the way a book historian would study manuscripts and libraries.
— Javier Cha (@javiercha) April 28, 2022
In May, I’m organizing this event:
Thomas Larsen released an update to his Neo4j connectors for Alteryx. You can now output multiple relationships between nodes of the same type. Learn more.
Neo4j/GraphQL and Apollo Federation repo demonstrates adding bare-bones Apollo Federation subgraph specs to a Neo4j/graphql app. Check out it on the GitHub .
Yusuf Canbaz wrote his Master’s thesis about generic and customizable graph visualization. It also includes some graph traversal algorithms. Learn more.