This Week in Neo4j – 15 July 2017

Mark Needham at Neo4j

Mark Needham

Developer Relations Engineer

Jonathan Freeman - This week's featured community member

Welcome to this week in Neo4j where we round up what’s been happening in the world of graph databases in the last 7 days.

This week’s featured community member is Jonathan Freeman, Senior Software Engineer at Spantree Technology.

Jonathan Freeman - This Week's Featured Community Member

Jonathan Freeman – This Week’s Featured Community Member

Jonathan has been a member of the Neo4j community for a number of years now and presented on Hadoop and Graph Databases at one of the very early GraphConnect conferences in New York in 2013

Jonathan has also trained Neo4j classes and been a great advocate for Neo4j wherever he’s worked.

More recently Jonathan has been organising the Neo4j Chicago meetup, and this week presented 400 trash bags of grocery receipts + Neo4j in which he analysed Instacart’s open dataset using Neo4j.

On behalf of the Neo4j community, thanks to Jonathan for all your work!

Natural Language Understanding with Neo4j

In this week’s online meetup Dan Kondratyuk showed us Graph NLU – a project he built to understand natural language dialogue in an interactive setting by representing memory of previous dialogue states using a persistent graph

You can also find the code in the graph-nlu repository on GitHub.

Phil Gooch presented Graph databases and text analytics at the London Text Analytics meetup. The code from Phil’s talk is available in the neo4j-nlp GitHub repository.

Game of Thrones, GraphQL, Cuckoo Filters, Mulesoft

From The Knowledge Base

This week from the Neo4j Knowledge Base we have an article showing how to easily validate network port connectivity on your Neo4j clusters.

Next Week

On Wednesday, July 19, 2017 Nigel Small, Tech Lead of the Neo4j Drivers Team, will be presenting An introduction to Neo4j Bolt Drivers as part of the Neo4j online meetup.

Don’t forget to join us on YouTube for that one.

Tweet of the Week

My favourite tweet this week was by Vinicius Feitosa from the Euro Python conference:

Don’t forget to RT if you liked it too.

That’s all for this week. Have a great weekend!

Cheers, Mark