Start right with a Neo4j Bootcamp!


Choose from the following Bootcamps:

Standard Bootcamp

Duration: 4 days

The Standard Bootcamp is a comprehensive, onsite training delivered by a Neo4j Consultant, allowing your internal team to learn the fundamentals and create a small Proof of Concept based on a sample dataset you provide. With this service, your team hits the ground running and learns the ins and outs of graph databases for solving your most pressing business problems.


Advanced Bootcamp

Duration: 4 days

The Advanced Bootcamp is an onsite training similar to the Standard Bootcamp, but more in depth, covering advanced production aspects of your Neo4j environment and diving into optimization and tuning techniques. With this Bootcamp option, our team reviews and validates your existing Proof of Concept environment and provides recommendations on data modeling, query performance tuning and production configuration optimization.

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