Knowledge Base

Upgrading to Neo4j 3.0 Enterprise Step-by-Step - Linux

Neo4j 3.0 is a major release that includes both a directory structure reorganization and a configuration file/parameter name overhaul. This means that upgrading to it requires some additional consideration and a couple extra steps. In order to provide you with the best upgrade experience possible, lets walk through the upgrade on each OS platform we support.

We are assuming a single instance in this example. For cluster upgrades, refer to the same steps apply, combined with the additional steps noted in the product documentation.

Linux Upgrade Using tar.gz Distribution


  • Neo4j 2.3.7 is already installed at /var/lib/neo4j/neo4j-enterprise-2.3.7

  • Neo4j 2.3.7 was installed, configured and managed by the neo4j OS user


  1. Navigate to the NEO4J_HOME directory:

    $ cd /var/lib/neo4j/
  2. Get the 3.0 software:

    $ wget
  3. Backup the existing Neo4j 2.3.7 install:

    $ ./neo4j-enterprise-2.3.7/bin/neo4j-backup -to /tmp/neo4j_2.3.7_backup -host
  4. Unpack the 3.0 software:

    $ tar -xzf neo4j-enterprise-3.0.4-unix.tar.gz
  5. Chown the 3.0 directory:

    $ chown -R neo4j:neo4j ./neo4j-enterprise-3.0.4
  6. Stop the Neo4j 2.3.7 server:

    $ ./neo4j-enterprise-2.3.7/bin/neo4j stop
  7. Move to the Neo4j 3.0 home directory:

    $ cd neo4j-enterprise-3.0.4
  8. Use the new config migrator tool to migrate the configuration from the Neo4j 2.3.7 install to the new Neo4j 3.0:

    $ java -jar config-migrator.jar /var/lib/neo4j/neo4j-enterprise-2.3.7 .
  9. Use neo4j-admin to migrate the datastore from its 2.3.7 location to 3.0:

    $ ./bin/neo4j-admin import --mode=database --database=graph.db --from=/var/lib/neo4j/neo4j-enterprise-2.3.7/data/graph.db
    $ ls data/databases/
  10. Edit the conf/neo4j.conf file, and:

    1. Uncomment the line: dbms.allow_format_migration=true

    2. Uncomment the line: dbms.active_database=graph.db Note: Change this to the name of the database if not graph.db

  11. Copy the authentication details from the 2.3.7 install to 3.0 (if you have authentication enabled):

    $ cp -R /var/lib/neo4j/neo4j-enterprise-2.3.7/conf/ssl ./conf/ssl
  12. Copy plugins from the 2.3.7 install to 3.0 (if you have any):

    $ cp /var/lib/neo4j/neo4j-enterprise-2.3.7/plugins/* ./plugins
  13. Start Neo4j: ./bin/neo4j start or ./bin/neo4j console

    $ ./bin/neo4j start
    Starting Neo4j.
    Started neo4j (pid 39823). By default, it is available at http://localhost:7474/
    There may be a short delay until the server is ready.
    See /var/lib/neo4j/neo4j-enterprise-3.0.4/logs/neo4j.log for current status.
  14. Tail the neo4j.log to see the progress of the store upgrade, and make sure the database comes online:

    2016-04-15 19:58:20.310+0000 INFO  Starting...
    2016-04-15 19:58:21.568+0000 INFO  Initiating metrics...
    2016-04-15 19:58:21.898+0000 INFO  Starting upgrade of database
    2016-04-15 19:58:21.939+0000 INFO  Migrating Indexes (1/3):
    2016-04-15 19:58:21.946+0000 INFO    10% completed
    2016-04-15 19:58:21.946+0000 INFO    20% completed
    2016-04-15 19:58:21.951+0000 INFO    30% completed
    2016-04-15 19:58:21.951+0000 INFO    40% completed
    2016-04-15 19:58:21.951+0000 INFO    50% completed
    2016-04-15 19:58:21.951+0000 INFO    60% completed
    2016-04-15 19:58:21.951+0000 INFO    70% completed
    2016-04-15 19:58:21.951+0000 INFO    80% completed
    2016-04-15 19:58:21.951+0000 INFO    90% completed
    2016-04-15 19:58:21.952+0000 INFO    100% completed
    2016-04-15 19:58:21.952+0000 INFO  Migrating Legacy indexes (2/3):
    2016-04-15 19:58:21.997+0000 INFO    10% completed
    2016-04-15 19:58:21.998+0000 INFO    20% completed
    2016-04-15 19:58:21.999+0000 INFO    30% completed
    2016-04-15 19:58:21.999+0000 INFO    40% completed
    2016-04-15 19:58:21.999+0000 INFO    50% completed
    2016-04-15 19:58:22.000+0000 INFO    60% completed
    2016-04-15 19:58:22.000+0000 INFO    70% completed
    2016-04-15 19:58:22.000+0000 INFO    80% completed
    2016-04-15 19:58:22.001+0000 INFO    90% completed
    2016-04-15 19:58:22.002+0000 INFO    100% completed
    2016-04-15 19:58:22.002+0000 INFO  Migrating Store files (3/3):
    2016-04-15 19:58:22.727+0000 INFO  Initiating metrics...
    2016-04-15 19:58:23.552+0000 INFO    10% completed
    2016-04-15 19:58:23.553+0000 INFO    20% completed
    2016-04-15 19:58:23.553+0000 INFO    30% completed
    2016-04-15 19:58:23.553+0000 INFO    40% completed
    2016-04-15 19:58:23.553+0000 INFO    50% completed
    2016-04-15 19:58:23.553+0000 INFO    60% completed
    2016-04-15 19:58:23.553+0000 INFO    70% completed
    2016-04-15 19:58:23.554+0000 INFO    80% completed
    2016-04-15 19:58:23.554+0000 INFO    90% completed
    2016-04-15 19:58:23.554+0000 INFO    100% completed
    2016-04-15 19:58:23.682+0000 INFO  Successfully finished upgrade of database
    2016-04-15 19:58:28.447+0000 INFO  Started.
    2016-04-15 19:58:28.844+0000 INFO  Mounted REST API at: /db/manage
    2016-04-15 19:58:30.920+0000 INFO  Remote interface available at http://localhost:7474/

Linux Upgrade Using Debian (apt-get)


  • You are familiar with the instructions at

  • Neo4j Enterprise 2.3.7 (or another 2.x version) is already installed via debian package


  1. Update using apt-get:

    $ sudo apt-get update
  2. Install neo4j-enterprise=3.0.4

    $ sudo apt-get install neo4j-enterprise=3.0.4
  3. When prompted, select the option N, as we will rectify this later:

    Configuration file '/etc/neo4j/neo4j-wrapper.conf'
     ==> Modified (by you or by a script) since installation.
     ==> Package distributor has shipped an updated version.
       What would you like to do about it ?  Your options are:
        Y or I  : install the package maintainer's version
        N or O  : keep your currently-installed version
          D     : show the differences between the versions
          Z     : start a shell to examine the situation
     The default action is to keep your current version.
    *** neo4j-wrapper.conf (Y/I/N/O/D/Z) [default=N] ?  N
  4. Stop neo4j:

    $ service neo4j stop
  5. Run the config-migrator.jar utility that ships with Neo4j 3.0:

    $sudo java -jar /usr/share/neo4j/bin/tools/config-migrator.jar /var/lib/neo4j/ .
  6. Copy the new configuration files into /etc/conf, and move the old ones out, or remove them after you confirm the newly generated config files are correct:

    $ mkdir /etc/neo4j_archive
    $ mv /etc/neo4j/* /etc/neo4j_archive/
    $ cp /var/lib/neo4j/conf/* /etc/neo4j
  7. Copy auth if applicable (need to test this actually)

  8. Update /etc/neo4j/neo4j.conf with allow_format_migration setting to true, and any other required settings.

  9. Start the database:

    $ service neo4j start

Where things live after a Debian install:


data, certificates




bin, lib, tools


conf files