Articles tagged as upgrade
Explanation of Error: db fails to start with Caused by: org.neo4j.token.api.NonUniqueTokenException: The PropertyKey NamedToken
When attempting to start Neo4j and one is running a Neo4j 4.0.x release and where x is ⇐2 the following error may be encountered and logged in logs\debg.log This error…
Explanation of error NoClassDefFoundError: org/neo4j/kernel/impl/util/JobScheduler
Upon upgrading to Neo4j 3.3, if you were previously using APOC, and did not download and install the version of APOC for 3.3 bin\neo4j start will fail. The contents of…
Explanation of start failure "java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/neo4j/kernel/impl/logging/LogService"
Upon starting Neo4j 3.5 if one encounters the following error in the logs/neo4j.log this is usually indicative of a incompatible APOC jar file installed into $NEO4J_HOME/plugins. With Neo4j 3.5.0 the…
Fix error: No dependency satisfies type interface org.neo4j.graphdb.GraphDatabaseService
From Neo4j 3.5 onwards, there are 2 kinds of Extension Factories : global and per database. Only the database one has access to the GraphDatabaseService. If you encounter this error,…
Manually Merging neo4j-wrapper.conf into neo4j.conf in Neo4j 3.1
Neo4j 3.1 takes the configuration changes made in Neo4j 3.0 a step further, and ships with a single configuration file: conf/neo4j.conf. This is the result of merging the contents of…
Manually Migrating Configuration Settings from Neo4j 2.x to Neo4j 3.x
One of the major changes in Neo4j 3.0 was the reworking of configuration files and the individual configuration setting naming convention to make it more consitent and managable going forward.…
Neo4j 3.5 to 4.x Migration Help and Resources
This guide is designed to provide key details and links on various 3.5 to 4.x migration resources. With this document, you should be able to read and/or find everything you…
Recreating Indexes and Constraints on 3.5
This article describes the process to drop and recreate all indexes and constraints on 3.5.x. This is a recommended step after upgrading from versions earlier then 3.5 so that all…
Solve dependency issues
There are multiple ways to include neo4j artifacts. In this article, we will focus on maven based on different scenarios or errors. The most common issue is setting up the…
Upgrading to Neo4j 3.0 Enterprise Step-by-Step - Linux
Neo4j 3.0 is a major release that includes both a directory structure reorganization and a configuration file/parameter name overhaul. This means that upgrading to it requires some additional consideration and…
Upgrading your Causal Cluster from 3.1.x to 3.2.x
This article outlines possible steps to upgrade your Neo4j 3.1.2+ Causal Cluster to 3.2.2. For this upgrade path, Neo4j does not support rolling upgrades, so downtime is required to complete…