APOC support
APOC (Awesome Procedures on Cypher) is a Neo4j library that provides access to additional procedures and functions, extending the use of the Cypher query language. For more information on APOC, see the APOC documentation.
A subset of the APOC Core functions and procedures are pre-installed and available in Aura, as shown below:
Qualified Name | Type |
apoc.case |
Procedure |
apoc.help |
Procedure |
apoc.version |
Function |
apoc.when |
Procedure |
Qualified Name | Type |
apoc.agg.first |
Function |
apoc.agg.graph |
Function |
apoc.agg.last |
Function |
apoc.agg.maxItems |
Function |
apoc.agg.median |
Function |
apoc.agg.minItems |
Function |
apoc.agg.nth |
Function |
apoc.agg.percentiles |
Function |
apoc.agg.product |
Function |
apoc.agg.slice |
Function |
apoc.agg.statistics |
Function |
Qualified Name | Type |
apoc.algo.aStar |
Procedure |
apoc.algo.aStarConfig |
Procedure |
apoc.algo.allSimplePaths |
Procedure |
apoc.algo.cover |
Procedure |
apoc.algo.dijkstra |
Procedure |
Qualified Name | Type |
apoc.any.properties |
Function |
apoc.any.property |
Function |
Qualified Name | Type |
apoc.atomic.add |
Procedure |
apoc.atomic.concat |
Procedure |
apoc.atomic.insert |
Procedure |
apoc.atomic.remove |
Procedure |
apoc.atomic.subtract |
Procedure |
apoc.atomic.update |
Procedure |
Qualified Name | Type |
apoc.bitwise.op |
Function |
Qualified Name | Type |
apoc.coll.avg |
Function |
apoc.coll.combinations |
Function |
apoc.coll.contains |
Function |
apoc.coll.containsAll |
Function |
apoc.coll.containsAllSorted |
Function |
apoc.coll.containsDuplicates |
Function |
apoc.coll.containsSorted |
Function |
apoc.coll.different |
Function |
apoc.coll.disjunction |
Function |
apoc.coll.dropDuplicateNeighbors |
Function |
apoc.coll.duplicates |
Function |
apoc.coll.duplicatesWithCount |
Function |
apoc.coll.elements |
Procedure |
apoc.coll.fill |
Function |
apoc.coll.flatten |
Function |
apoc.coll.frequencies |
Function |
apoc.coll.frequenciesAsMap |
Function |
apoc.coll.indexOf |
Function |
apoc.coll.insert |
Function |
apoc.coll.insertAll |
Function |
apoc.coll.intersection |
Function |
apoc.coll.isEqualCollection |
Function |
apoc.coll.max |
Function |
apoc.coll.min |
Function |
apoc.coll.occurrences |
Function |
apoc.coll.pairs |
Function |
apoc.coll.pairsMin |
Function |
apoc.coll.partition |
Function |
apoc.coll.partition |
Procedure |
apoc.coll.randomItem |
Function |
apoc.coll.randomItems |
Function |
apoc.coll.remove |
Function |
apoc.coll.removeAll |
Function |
apoc.coll.runningTotal |
Function |
apoc.coll.set |
Function |
apoc.coll.shuffle |
Function |
apoc.coll.sort |
Function |
apoc.coll.sortMaps |
Function |
apoc.coll.sortMulti |
Function |
apoc.coll.sortNodes |
Function |
apoc.coll.sortText |
Function |
apoc.coll.split |
Procedure |
apoc.coll.subtract |
Function |
apoc.coll.sum |
Function |
apoc.coll.sumLongs |
Function |
apoc.coll.toSet |
Function |
apoc.coll.union |
Function |
apoc.coll.unionAll |
Function |
apoc.coll.zip |
Function |
apoc.coll.zipToRows |
Procedure |
Qualified Name | Type |
apoc.convert.fromJsonList |
Function |
apoc.convert.fromJsonMap |
Function |
apoc.convert.getJsonProperty |
Function |
apoc.convert.getJsonPropertyMap |
Function |
apoc.convert.setJsonProperty |
Procedure |
apoc.convert.toJson |
Function |
apoc.convert.toList |
Function |
apoc.convert.toMap |
Function |
apoc.convert.toNode |
Function |
apoc.convert.toNodeList |
Function |
apoc.convert.toRelationship |
Function |
apoc.convert.toRelationshipList |
Function |
apoc.convert.toSet |
Function |
apoc.convert.toSortedJsonMap |
Function |
apoc.convert.toTree |
Procedure Deprecated |
Qualified Name | Type |
apoc.create.addLabels |
Procedure |
apoc.create.node |
Procedure |
apoc.create.nodes |
Procedure |
apoc.create.relationship |
Procedure |
apoc.create.removeLabels |
Procedure |
apoc.create.removeProperties |
Procedure |
apoc.create.removeRelProperties |
Procedure |
apoc.create.setLabels |
Procedure |
apoc.create.setProperties |
Procedure |
apoc.create.setProperty |
Procedure |
apoc.create.setRelProperties |
Procedure |
apoc.create.setRelProperty |
Procedure |
apoc.create.uuid |
Function Deprecated |
apoc.create.uuids |
Procedure Deprecated |
apoc.create.vNode |
Procedure |
apoc.create.vNode |
Function |
apoc.create.vNodes |
Procedure |
apoc.create.vRelationship |
Procedure |
apoc.create.vRelationship |
Function |
apoc.create.virtual.fromNode |
Function |
Qualified Name | Type |
apoc.cypher.doIt |
Procedure |
apoc.cypher.run |
Procedure |
apoc.cypher.runFirstColumnMany |
Function |
apoc.cypher.runFirstColumnSingle |
Function |
apoc.cypher.runMany |
Procedure |
apoc.cypher.runTimeboxed |
Procedure |
Qualified Name | Type |
apoc.data.url |
Function |
Qualified Name | Type |
apoc.date.add |
Function |
apoc.date.convert |
Function |
apoc.date.convertFormat |
Function |
apoc.date.currentTimestamp |
Function |
apoc.date.field |
Function |
apoc.date.fields |
Function |
apoc.date.format |
Function |
apoc.date.fromISO8601 |
Function |
apoc.date.parse |
Function |
apoc.date.systemTimezone |
Function |
apoc.date.toISO8601 |
Function |
apoc.date.toYears |
Function |
Qualified Name | Type |
apoc.diff.nodes |
Function |
Qualified Name | Type |
apoc.do.case |
Procedure |
apoc.do.when |
Procedure |
Qualified Name | Type |
apoc.example.movies |
Procedure |
Qualified Name | Type |
apoc.export.csv.all |
Procedure |
apoc.export.csv.data |
Procedure |
apoc.export.csv.graph |
Procedure |
apoc.export.csv.query |
Procedure |
apoc.export.cypher.all |
Procedure |
apoc.export.cypher.data |
Procedure |
apoc.export.cypher.graph |
Procedure |
apoc.export.cypher.query |
Procedure |
apoc.export.cypher.schema |
Procedure |
apoc.export.graphml.all |
Procedure |
apoc.export.graphml.data |
Procedure |
apoc.export.graphml.graph |
Procedure |
apoc.export.graphml.query |
Procedure |
apoc.export.json.all |
Procedure |
apoc.export.json.data |
Procedure |
apoc.export.json.graph |
Procedure |
apoc.export.json.query |
Procedure |
Qualified Name | Type |
apoc.graph.from |
Procedure |
apoc.graph.fromCypher |
Procedure |
apoc.graph.fromDB |
Procedure |
apoc.graph.fromData |
Procedure |
apoc.graph.fromDocument |
Procedure |
apoc.graph.fromPath |
Procedure |
apoc.graph.fromPaths |
Procedure |
apoc.graph.validateDocument |
Procedure |
Qualified Name | Type |
apoc.hashing.fingerprint |
Function |
apoc.hashing.fingerprintGraph |
Function |
apoc.hashing.fingerprinting |
Function |
Qualified Name | Type |
apoc.import.csv |
Procedure |
apoc.import.graphml |
Procedure |
Qualified Name | Type |
apoc.json.path |
Function |
Qualified Name | Type |
apoc.label.exists |
Function |
Qualified Name | Type |
apoc.load.json |
Procedure |
apoc.load.jsonArray |
Procedure |
apoc.load.xml |
Procedure |
Qualified Name | Type |
apoc.lock.all |
Procedure |
apoc.lock.nodes |
Procedure |
apoc.lock.read.nodes |
Procedure |
apoc.lock.read.rels |
Procedure |
apoc.lock.rels |
Procedure |
Qualified Name | Type |
apoc.map.clean |
Function |
apoc.map.flatten |
Function |
apoc.map.fromLists |
Function |
apoc.map.fromNodes |
Function |
apoc.map.fromPairs |
Function |
apoc.map.fromValues |
Function |
apoc.map.get |
Function |
apoc.map.groupBy |
Function |
apoc.map.groupByMulti |
Function |
apoc.map.merge |
Function |
apoc.map.mergeList |
Function |
apoc.map.mget |
Function |
apoc.map.removeKey |
Function |
apoc.map.removeKeys |
Function |
apoc.map.setEntry |
Function Deprecated |
apoc.map.setKey |
Function |
apoc.map.setLists |
Function |
apoc.map.setPairs |
Function |
apoc.map.setValues |
Function |
apoc.map.sortedProperties |
Function |
apoc.map.submap |
Function |
apoc.map.unflatten |
Function |
apoc.map.updateTree |
Function |
apoc.map.values |
Function |
Qualified Name | Type |
apoc.math.maxByte |
Function |
apoc.math.maxDouble |
Function |
apoc.math.maxInt |
Function |
apoc.math.maxLong |
Function |
apoc.math.minByte |
Function |
apoc.math.minDouble |
Function |
apoc.math.minInt |
Function |
apoc.math.minLong |
Function |
apoc.math.regr |
Procedure |
Qualified Name | Type |
apoc.merge.node |
Procedure |
apoc.merge.node.eager |
Procedure |
apoc.merge.relationship |
Procedure |
apoc.merge.relationship.eager |
Procedure |
Qualified Name | Type |
apoc.meta.cypher.isType |
Function |
apoc.meta.cypher.type |
Function |
apoc.meta.cypher.types |
Function |
apoc.meta.data |
Procedure |
apoc.meta.graph |
Procedure |
apoc.meta.graphSample |
Procedure |
apoc.meta.nodeTypeProperties |
Procedure |
apoc.meta.relTypeProperties |
Procedure |
apoc.meta.schema |
Procedure |
apoc.meta.stats |
Procedure |
apoc.meta.subGraph |
Procedure |
Qualified Name | Type |
apoc.neighbors.athop |
Procedure |
apoc.neighbors.athop.count |
Procedure |
apoc.neighbors.byhop |
Procedure |
apoc.neighbors.byhop.count |
Procedure |
apoc.neighbors.tohop |
Procedure |
apoc.neighbors.tohop.count |
Procedure |
Qualified Name | Type |
apoc.node.degree |
Function |
apoc.node.degree.in |
Function |
apoc.node.degree.out |
Function |
apoc.node.id |
Function |
apoc.node.labels |
Function |
apoc.node.relationship.exists |
Function |
apoc.node.relationship.types |
Function |
apoc.node.relationships.exist |
Function |
Qualified Name | Type |
apoc.nodes.collapse |
Procedure |
apoc.nodes.connected |
Function |
apoc.nodes.delete |
Procedure |
apoc.nodes.get |
Procedure |
apoc.nodes.group |
Procedure |
apoc.nodes.isDense |
Function |
apoc.nodes.link |
Procedure |
apoc.nodes.relationship.types |
Function |
apoc.nodes.relationships.exist |
Function |
apoc.nodes.rels |
Procedure |
Qualified Name | Type |
apoc.number.arabicToRoman |
Function |
apoc.number.exact.add |
Function |
apoc.number.exact.div |
Function |
apoc.number.exact.mul |
Function |
apoc.number.exact.sub |
Function |
apoc.number.exact.toExact |
Function |
apoc.number.exact.toFloat |
Function |
apoc.number.exact.toInteger |
Function |
apoc.number.format |
Function |
apoc.number.parseFloat |
Function |
apoc.number.parseInt |
Function |
apoc.number.romanToArabic |
Function |
Qualified Name | Type |
apoc.path.combine |
Function |
apoc.path.create |
Function |
apoc.path.elements |
Function |
apoc.path.expand |
Procedure |
apoc.path.expandConfig |
Procedure |
apoc.path.slice |
Function |
apoc.path.spanningTree |
Procedure |
apoc.path.subgraphAll |
Procedure |
apoc.path.subgraphNodes |
Procedure |
Qualified Name | Type |
apoc.paths.toJsonTree |
Procedure |
Qualified Name | Type |
apoc.periodic.cancel |
Procedure |
apoc.periodic.commit |
Procedure |
apoc.periodic.countdown |
Procedure |
apoc.periodic.iterate |
Procedure |
apoc.periodic.list |
Procedure |
apoc.periodic.repeat |
Procedure |
apoc.periodic.submit |
Procedure |
Qualified Name | Type |
apoc.refactor.categorize |
Procedure |
apoc.refactor.cloneNodes |
Procedure |
apoc.refactor.cloneSubgraph |
Procedure |
apoc.refactor.cloneSubgraphFromPaths |
Procedure |
apoc.refactor.collapseNode |
Procedure |
apoc.refactor.extractNode |
Procedure |
apoc.refactor.from |
Procedure |
apoc.refactor.invert |
Procedure |
apoc.refactor.mergeNodes |
Procedure |
apoc.refactor.mergeRelationships |
Procedure |
apoc.refactor.normalizeAsBoolean |
Procedure |
apoc.refactor.rename.label |
Procedure |
apoc.refactor.rename.nodeProperty |
Procedure |
apoc.refactor.rename.type |
Procedure |
apoc.refactor.rename.typeProperty |
Procedure |
apoc.refactor.setType |
Procedure |
apoc.refactor.to |
Procedure |
Qualified Name | Type |
apoc.rel.id |
Function |
apoc.rel.type |
Function |
Qualified Name | Type |
apoc.schema.assert |
Procedure |
apoc.schema.node.constraintExists |
Function |
apoc.schema.node.indexExists |
Function |
apoc.schema.nodes |
Procedure |
apoc.schema.properties.distinct |
Procedure |
apoc.schema.properties.distinctCount |
Procedure |
apoc.schema.relationship.constraintExists |
Function |
apoc.schema.relationships |
Procedure |
Qualified Name | Type |
apoc.scoring.existence |
Function |
apoc.scoring.pareto |
Function |
Qualified Name | Type |
apoc.search.multiSearchReduced |
Procedure |
apoc.search.node |
Procedure |
apoc.search.nodeAll |
Procedure |
apoc.search.nodeAllReduced |
Procedure |
apoc.search.nodeReduced |
Procedure |
Qualified Name | Type |
apoc.spatial.geocode |
Procedure |
apoc.spatial.geocodeOnce |
Procedure |
apoc.spatial.reverseGeocode |
Procedure |
apoc.spatial.sortByDistance |
Procedure |
Qualified Name | Type |
apoc.stats.degrees |
Procedure |
Qualified Name | Type |
apoc.temporal.format |
Function |
apoc.temporal.formatDuration |
Function |
apoc.temporal.toZonedTemporal |
Function |
Qualified Name | Type |
apoc.text.base64Decode |
Function |
apoc.text.base64Encode |
Function |
apoc.text.base64UrlDecode |
Function |
apoc.text.base64UrlEncode |
Function |
apoc.text.byteCount |
Function |
apoc.text.bytes |
Function |
apoc.text.camelCase |
Function |
apoc.text.capitalize |
Function |
apoc.text.capitalizeAll |
Function |
apoc.text.charAt |
Function |
apoc.text.clean |
Function |
apoc.text.code |
Function |
apoc.text.compareCleaned |
Function |
apoc.text.decapitalize |
Function |
apoc.text.decapitalizeAll |
Function |
apoc.text.distance |
Function |
apoc.text.doubleMetaphone |
Function |
apoc.text.format |
Function |
apoc.text.fuzzyMatch |
Function |
apoc.text.hammingDistance |
Function |
apoc.text.hexCharAt |
Function |
apoc.text.hexValue |
Function |
apoc.text.indexOf |
Function |
apoc.text.indexesOf |
Function |
apoc.text.jaroWinklerDistance |
Function |
apoc.text.join |
Function |
apoc.text.levenshteinDistance |
Function Deprecated |
apoc.text.levenshteinSimilarity |
Function |
apoc.text.lpad |
Function |
apoc.text.phonetic |
Function |
apoc.text.phoneticDelta |
Procedure |
apoc.text.random |
Function |
apoc.text.regexGroups |
Function |
apoc.text.regreplace |
Function Deprecated |
apoc.text.repeat |
Function |
apoc.text.replace |
Function |
apoc.text.rpad |
Function |
apoc.text.slug |
Function |
apoc.text.snakeCase |
Function |
apoc.text.sorensenDiceSimilarity |
Function |
apoc.text.split |
Function |
apoc.text.swapCase |
Function |
apoc.text.toCypher |
Function |
apoc.text.toUpperCase |
Function |
apoc.text.upperCamelCase |
Function |
apoc.text.urldecode |
Function |
apoc.text.urlencode |
Function |
Qualified Name | Type |
apoc.util.md5 |
Function |
apoc.util.sha1 |
Function |
apoc.util.sha256 |
Function |
apoc.util.sha384 |
Function |
apoc.util.sha512 |
Function |
apoc.util.sleep |
Procedure |
apoc.util.validate |
Procedure |
apoc.util.validatePredicate |
Function |
Qualified Name | Type |
apoc.warmup.run |
Procedure Deprecated |
Qualified Name | Type |
apoc.xml.parse |
Function |