Neo4j Graphs4SG Initiative

As Singapore progresses into a Smart Nation and Digital Economy, it is important to build a skilled workforce at the beginning of their careers and when they are re-energising their mid-career with the latest, most relevant technologies.

As Neo4j Singapore Pte. Ltd. is part of the Singapore Bulk Tender list of companies, we're the only graph data platform qualified amongst the 12 vendors.

We are also proud to support the progress of the connected data journey for global enterprises like DBS Bank, Standard Chartered, and partners like Kewmann based in Singapore.

With this growing appetite, we are looking for certified skills to support the development and advancement of business requirements through graph technology.

That's why we're taking the holistic approach of providing knowledge of graph technology, the practice of that knowledge through software training, and engagement with relevant sectors to further practise what they have learned to then share with peers.

Graphs4APAC – Home

3 Goals of the Neo4j
Graphs4SG Initiative


Neo4j offers free training courses on the use of our graph database platform and how to apply graph data science techniques. These online courses, available through Neo4j’s GraphAcademy, gives you the flexibility to learn at your own pace while gaining a thorough understanding of key graph concepts.

You can earn Neo4j certifications to provide proof for an employer, school, or other institution that you have successfully completed your graph database training.


We have an extensive collection of books, guides, and documentation created by our graph technology experts. Topics include Neo4j’s graph data platform, graph data science, data visualization, knowledge graphs, Cypher query language, and more.

We look forward to helping you learn about graph databases and offer a free way to practice your new skills by signing up for Neo4j AuraDB Free, our fully managed cloud service.


On a regular basis, Neo4j engages organizations across a variety of industries to advise on best practices related to maximizing their use of graph technology.

Learn about best practices and insider insights through Neo4j webinars, demos, live events, and more. Our activities are tailored to meet the interests of data professionals like you. Please explore the resources below to get involved!


Events Calendar


Live Demos

Connections Event Series

Neo4j Blog

Developer Blog

Developer Community

If you have any questions or want to learn how graph technology can help your organization, please email us at We look forward to hearing from you!