Analisi di impatto efficace con Neo4j e GDS

Una rete di computer, una rete di telecomunicazioni con i suoi apparati o una rete di dispositivi IOT hanno tutte un unico fattor comune: un grafo costituito da dati e connessioni tra i dati stessi. Le reti sono esse stesse… Read more →


Pegasus – Graphe de connaissances pour supporter les phases primaires de recherche de nouveaux médicaments

Les données produites dans le secteur pharmaceutique sont très hétérogènes, obtenues expérimentalement, générées à partir de modèles d’intelligence artificielle et sont de provenances multiples. Nous concevons et développons le graphe de connaissances Pegasus qui vise, en plus de capitaliser sur… Read more →


CDO Exchange London

The CDO Exchange is designed to help you respond to your top challenges through exclusive Keynote Presentations, thought-provoking Panel Discussions and a host of interactive discussions designed to delve deeper into the key issues Chief Data Officers are facing today.… Read more →


Graphes & Blockchain : comprendre l’essor phénoménal des NFT

La blockchain a de nombreuses applications aujourd’hui, et pas uniquement dans les cryptomonnaies. Ce registre partagé simultanément par tous ses utilisateurs et permet de sécuriser les transactions grâce au chiffrement et à la décentralisation.Les cas d’utilisation de la blockchain sont… Read more →


Knowledge Graphs and more

During this event, we will cover two topics: Graph Data Platform update by Neo4j & Knowledge graphs as expert glasses As it has been more than 2 years since we brought this community together – it’s probably time for a… Read more →


Big Data & AI World

Join us at Big Data & AI World at Excel London this March. Our Chief Scientist Dr Jim Webber will be speaking at this in-person conference on Graphs for Data Science and Machine Learning.


Graphdatenbanken mit Neo4j und Quarkus

In diesem Vortrag werde ich eine Quarkus-Anwendung zeigen und live-coden, die als Persistenz die Graphdatenbank Neo4j verwendet. Wir werden sehen, für welche Use Cases Graphdatenbanken besonders geeignet sind, wie wir unser Domänen-Modell in unserem Java-Code abbilden und was wir noch… Read more →


The Power of Graph Databases and Graph Data Science

Learn more about the power of graph databases and graph data science for the Financial Services sector. Neo4j is used at almost all of the largest banks in the world, in areas of e.g. fraud detection, Anti-money laundering and 360… Read more →


Codemotion 2021 – All API, No Boilerplate – Building Secure GraphQL APIs Powered by a Graph Database

Building GraphQL API starts with the type-definition declaring the entities and operations of the API. But what then? Usually you’d go ahead and implement resolver by resolver manually to power your API. With neo4j/graphql all that’s taken care of and… Read more →


Codemotion 2021 – Putting the Graph In GraphQL With The Neo4j GraphQL Library

GraphQL exposes application data as a graph which can introduce challenges if your backend isn’t graph-ready (think slow JOINs as a result of nested GraphQL queries and the dreaded n+1 query problem). The Neo4j GraphQL library enables developers to build… Read more →


Architect in a DevOps world & justifying a brand new Object Mapper

“What the hell, it’s the 2020s and you’ve created a new Object mapping framework?” by Michael Simons 2014, the reactive manifesto has been written: A pledge to make systems responsive, resilient, elastic and message driven. Two years later, reactive programming… Read more →


Intro to Neo4j: The Data Science Graph Database

Neo4j is a graph database. What does that mean? What’s it used for? What can it do for me? Does it have something to do with GraphQL? We’ll answer these questions and more with this introduction to Neo4j with a… Read more →


Neo4j im Einsatz gegen Geldwäsche und Finanzbetrug

Erfahren Sie, warum alle Arten von Finanzverbrechen den selben Ursprung haben, was ihre Ursache ist und wie Betrug durch den Einsatz einer einzelnen gezielten Technologie dauerhaft und performant behoben werden kann.


What is Neo4j? A tale of Nodes and Relationships

In this session after a long pause, we’ll refresh our knowledge about the basics of Neo4j. This is a great opportunities to wannabe-graphists to step in and join us! We will go through the main features of Neo4j, and what… Read more →


BioData World Congress

BioData World Congress is Europe’s largest congress covering big data in pharmaceutical development and healthcare. Genomics Live runs in tandem with BioData World Congress and covers all facets of precision medicine, multiomics and diagnostics. Talks: 2 Nov – 17:00 CET:… Read more →


Neo4j Health Care & Life Sciences Workshop

Our third Neo4j Health Care & Life Sciences Workshop has been set up to showcase practical solutions to common problems as well as helping to incubate collaboration, innovation and good practice. Graph databases are powerful tools that are inherently capable… Read more →


Graph Databases for AI in Financial Services

Using data to make the most accurate, advantageous decisions has long been a critical part of any organisation’s business strategy. Join us for this webinar to learn how you can combine graph databases and artificial intelligence to drive competitive advantage… Read more →


Graph-Powered Pub: have a beer with Neo4j

Immergiamoci nel mondo di Graphs usando il nostro framework preferito! In questa sessione vedremo come integrare Neo4j in Laravel utilizzando il nuovo client PHP Neo4j e come sfruttare le potenti funzionalità di Neo4j per costruire il nostro motore di raccomandazione… Read more →


Neo4j: focus on Graph Data Science

E se vi parlassimo di come “pilotare” il tempo?! E di come farlo attraverso i grafi? E di come questi possano essere utili a rilevare delle frodi?


Knowledge Graphs for Regulatory Compliance

Knowledge graphs are extremely relevant to many compliance issues. Join this webinar to get a better understanding of knowledge graphs, discover real-world examples and understand how to leverage Neo4j and GraphAware Hume.


Neo4j Overview

In questo webinar faremo una panoramica di Neo4j e delle principali funzionalità offerte dall’attuale versione del prodotto.


Big Data London 2021 – Graph Data Science: What’s The Big Deal?

Big Data London is the UK’s largest data & analytics conference and exhibition, hosting leading data and analytics experts, ready to arm you with the tools to deliver your most effective data-driven strategy. Sep 22 at 10:30 AM – Graph… Read more →


Neo4j Graph Data Science DE

In diesem Webinar wollen wir einen Überblick über unser Angebot für Data Scientsts geben und zeigen, was heute schon relativ einfach und schnell möglich ist.


Das erste Graphmodell: Neo4j Whiteboarding-Session

In diesem Webinar wollen wir vorstellen, wie schnell und einfach der Start mit Graphdatenbanken und Neo4j sein kann. Der erste Schritt wird hier wie in den meisten Fällen an einem Whiteboard gemacht: Semantische Begriffe müssen definiert werden und Abhängigkeiten zwischen… Read more →


Workshop Advanced Cypher

This hands-on course helps build a good knowledge of graph databases. It also teaches the core functionality of the Neo4j graph database. With a mixture of theory and hands-on practice sessions, you will quickly learn how easy it is to… Read more →
