Javaland 2021 – Neo4j 4 Java Developers

In einer Welt, in der immer mehr Daten anfallen, muss sich über geeignete Datenbanken Gedanken gemacht werden. Ist die richtige Wahl für eine Graph-Datenbank gefallen, stellt sich konsequenterweise die Frage, wie auf die gespeicherten Daten zugegriffen werden kann. Beim daraus… Read more →


Vom Treiber bis zum Repository – Java-Anwendungen mit Neo4j

Möchte man im Spring-Ökosystem auf eine Neo4j Datenbank zugreifen und Hilfe beim Objektmapping bekommen, so ist Spring Data Neo4j der de-facto Standard. Die nächste Generation von Spring Data Neo4j bietet nicht nur Unterstützung bei der reaktiven Programmierung und der Verwendung… Read more →


Knowledge Connexions 2020 – AI + Knowledge – A Match Made in Heaven?

A talk by Isabelle Augenstein, Nathan Benaich, Amy Hodler, Katariina Kari, Fabio Petroni and Giuseppe Futia What does graph have to do with machine learning? A lot, actually. And it goes both ways. Machine learning can help bootstrap and populate… Read more →


Analyzing Data Orchestration Lineage with Neo4j

With Apache Hop and Neo4j, you can draw valuable insights into your data loading processes, identify where things went wrong, view the detailed logs, and perform root cause analyses using graph queries. In this session, using Apache Hop as a… Read more →


Big Things 2020 – Using Graphs for Promotion Management at El Corte Inglés

El Corte Inglés is a leading business group in Spain, and its Retail business line, from department stores to small stores, has led this sector in Spain over the last century. We will talk about how El Corte Inglés has… Read more →


Neo4j Graph Data Modeling Workshop

Duration: 2.5 hours Skill Level: Beginner Audience: Everyone This workshop explores the concepts and processes involved in building a graph data model. First, we will introduce the basics of Graphs as a data structure, and the specifics of Neo4j’s Property… Read more →


Neo4j Browser and Desktop: New Features and Feedback Session

Neo4j Browser and Desktop: New Features and Feedback Session Join the Neo4j Dev Tools team on 11th November, 5pm (CET) to learn about the newest features of Neo4j Desktop and Browser. 08:00 PDT / 11:00 EDT / 17:00 CET


Data Talks – Data Driven in Health

Project Covid Graph Building a Covid-19 Knowledge Graph with multiple stakeholders and graph database technology – Dr. Alexander Jarasch – Head of data and knowledge management bei German Center for Diabetes Research and Co-Founder CovidGraph – Stefan Wendin – Global… Read more →


Graph Embeddings for Graph-Native Machine Learning

Join us to understand how you can use graph-native machine learning in Neo4j to make break-through predictions. Previously only accessible to researchers and a very few advanced tech companies, Neo4j has democratized graph-based ML techniques that leverage deep learning and… Read more →


BioData World digital

Connecting the dots in diverse data sets to combat disease – CovidGraph
