Release Date: 5 June 2018
Neo4j 3.1.9 is a maintenance release, with important improvements.

Detailed Changes

  • Fix bug in query cache key. #11584
  • Fix bug in un-directed ProjectEndPoints when both end points are in scope #11689
  • Fixes bug that caused the Unknown value type: STRUCT error with queries that use PERIODIC COMMIT over bolt and return whole nodes or relationships #11732
  • Failure to switch to master is no longer terminal #11705
For the complete list of all changes, please see the changelog.


When upgrading to Neo4j 3.1.9 from Neo4j 3.1.4 or prior a clean shutdown is required or ensuring that absolutely no updates are made during the upgrade. Rolling upgrades from Neo4j 3.1.5 or newer are supported. When upgrading to Neo4j 3.1 for the first time, be sure to read the current upgrade instructions in the Neo4j Operations Manual, as there are additional steps and considerations. Neo4j 3.1 supports direct upgrades from all 2.x releases (recommended to be on latest patch). Pre-2.x users need to upgrade to 2.x before upgrading to 3.1.