Release Date: 15 July 2020

GDS 1.2.3 is compatible with Neo4j 4.0, but not Neo4j 3.5.x or 4.1. For a 3.5 compatible release, please see GDS 1.1.2. For a 4.1 compatible release, please see GDS 1.3.0

Breaking changes

  • Alpha similarity algorithms no longer accept graph name as a parameter. The algorithm never used the named graph, and now the possibility to specify one is removed.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed a bug where the Jaccard Similarity function would compute incorrectly when inputs contained duplicates.
  • Fixed a bug where Alpha Similarity algorithms would load a graph even though they operate on separate inputs.
  • Fixed a bug where community statistic computation could overflow for large community ids.
  • Parallel edges in the graph no longer affects Local Clustering Coefficient and Triangle Count results.
See also: