Release Date: 29 July 2024
GDS 2.8.0 is compatible with Neo4j 5 (≥ 5.16). For GDS compatibility with previous releases, please use GDS Compatibility Table.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed a bug which caused writing back relationships to Neo4j potentially resulting in deadlocks. This affected these procedures:
    • gds.knn.write
    • gds.knn.filtered.write
    • gds.nodeSimilarity.write
    • gds.nodeSimilarity.filtered.write
    • gds.steinerTree.write
    • gds.spanningTree.write
    • gds.shortestPath.dijkstra.write
    • gds.shortestPath.astar.write
    • gds.shortestPath.yens.write
    • gds.bellmanFord.write
    • gds.graph.relationships.write
    • gds.graph.relationshipProperties.write

Other changes

  • Reverted parallel relationship write-back introduced in 2.7, due to deadlocks.