Release Date: 11 June 2014

Neo4j 2.1.2 is a maintenance release, with critical improvements.

Notably, this release addresses the following:

  • Cypher uses indexes for resolving WHERE clauses which use the IN operator
  • Resolves a recovery issue, where multiple forced-restarts in a row without clean shutdown or log rotation in between could lead to some transactions not being replayed on recovery
  • Corrects a critical issue that can occur during migration from previous Neo4j releases, which could lead to incorrect record structures if the previous store had a large volume of deleted data
  • Neo4j Browser now defaults to long intervals of heartbeat pings to server, lowering CPU use and network traffic

All Neo4j 2.x users are recommended to upgrade to this release. Upgrading to Neo4j 2.1, from Neo4j 2.0, requires a migration to the on-disk store and can not be reversed. Please ensure you have a valid backup before proceeding, then use on a test or staging server to understand any changed behaviors before going into production.

Users who previously upgraded Neo4j 2.0 data stores to Neo4j 2.1.1 should consult our blog post regarding this release.

For a full summary of changes in this release, please review the CHANGES.TXT file contained within the distribution.