Release Date: 3 October 2017

Neo4j 3.0.12 is a maintenance release, with an important security patch. 


  • upgrade jetty server to 9.2, to address a security vulnerability CVE-2017-9735

Detailed Changes

For the complete list of all changes, please see the changelog.


When upgrading to Neo4j 3.0.12 from Neo4j 3.0.9 or prior, a clean shutdown is required or ensuring that absolutely no updates are made during the upgrade. Rolling upgrades from Neo4j 3.0.10 and newer to 3.0.12 are supported. Upgrading to Neo4j 3.0.12 from Neo4j 3.0.7 or prior may change the internal ids of relationships, which can invalidate any manually maintained relationship references whether in an external system or stored within Neo4j as a property value. Plan to verify and recreate any such storage after the upgrade.