Release Date: 24 March 2023
Updates (1.4.3)
- Added support for Neo4j 5.6 in the upgrade manager.
Updates (1.4.2)
- Added support for Neo4j 5.5 in the upgrade manager.
- Fixed bug with Windows agent on disk usage collection
Updates (1.4.1)
- Added support for Neo4j 5.4 in the upgrade manager.
Highlights (1.4.0)
NOTE: Due to some data migration of the persistence data, the first server start may take a number of minutes to complete (depending on size of persistence). This is normal - please wait for it to complete.
- Support for managed instances with authentication disabled
- Agent – stop connection attempts after x authentication failures
- Security – implement recommendations from penetration testing
- Agent Advisor (see below)
- Optimisation of agent queries and agent resilience
- Additional options in agent for errored query logs
- Ability to view remote agent configuration from within NOM UI
- Page refresh no longer resets zoom or manual layout changes [fix]
- Inconsistent topology when upgrading or reusing agent [fix]
- DBMS Selector at top of page replaced by double-click on topology
- Rename DBMS from within home page
- DB: Database reset on refresh [fix]
- All: Member enable/disable resets zoom [fix]
- Refactored metric data fetch to run significantly faster ← any stats here
- Metrics collected at the same time on all instance of a cluster for better alignment
- Host metrics changes and optimisations
- CPU usage consolidated – dropdown for user/system
- Memory consolidated – free/used
- Memory – optional total RAM line and switch from actual to percentage
- Swap used – optional total RAM line and switch from actual to percentage
- Instance metrics changes and optimisations
- Heap memory consolidated – dropdown for used/committed
- Page cache consolidated – dropdown for Hit Ratio/Usage Ratio
- Bolt connections consolidated with dropdown
- Running, Opened, Closed (New), Idle (New)
- Garbage collection consolidated – dropdown for Young Gen/Old Gen
- Disk Usage for directories (Home, Data, Transactions, Metrics, Logs)
- Optional total disk line and switch from actual to percentage
- Database Metrics
- Added disk usage for Data and Transaction directories
- Added store size for Nodes, Relationships and Properties
- Scroll now leaves menu at the top
- Display disk space usage on instance and database (topology)
- Summary and detailed view of disk space usage by directory (topology)
- Actuals and percentage of available in directory (topology)
- Disk space usage columns (total, Data, Transaction Logs) for databases (tabular)
- Ability to filter by application and type as set by applications
- Include alerts from Agent Advisor
- Specific error message in case one of the metrics collector is unsuccessful (disk/cpu/prometheus)
- Connectivity errors with the monitored instance
- Authentication error to the monitored instance
- Query log ingestion connectivity errors (to log4j)
- Query log buffer overflow
- Privileges when migrating from 4.4 to 5.x
- Better support for offline instances in cluster upgrade [fix]
Recent Neo4j Operations Manager Releases
- Neo4j Ops Manager 1.12.1
- Neo4j Ops Manager 1.11.3
- Neo4j Ops Manager 1.11.2
- Neo4j Ops Manager 1.11.1
- Neo4j Ops Manager 1.11.0