061 Liquibase & Neo4j The Migration Sweet Deal – NODES2022 – Florent Biville, Marouane Gazanayi

21 Nov, 2022

Bring version control to your database structure! But wait! Does that even make sense for a schema-less database like Neo4j?

Let's see how Liquibase concepts, battle-tested for over 15 years on relational databases, apply to Neo4j today and how we can enjoy high-level refactorings while taming graph complexity.

Come to this session and expect loads of demos as well!

Speakers: Florent Biville, Marouane Gazanayi
Format: Full Session 30-45 min
Level: Intermediate
Topics: #BestPractices, #Database, #General, #Intermediate
Region: APAC
Slides: https://dist.neo4j.com/nodes-20202-slides/061%20Liquibase%20%26%20Neo4j%20The%20Migration%20Sweet%20Deal%20-%20NODES2022%20APAC%20Intermediate%208%20-%20Florent%20Biville%2C%20Marouane%20Gazanayi.pdf

Visit https://neo4j.com/nodes-2022 learn more at https://neo4j.com/developer/get-started and engage at https://community.neo4j.com

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