089 Neo4j 5 Foundations for Scale – NODES2022 – Hugo Firth, Tobias Johansson

21 Nov, 2022

This session describes two new features in Neo4j 5: Autonomous Clusters and Composite databases. Together, these features can be used to scale several large databases elastically across multiple machines, then create combined aliases where those databases can be queried together. Speakers: Hugo Firth, Tobias Johansson Format: Full Session 30-45 min Level: Advanced Topics: #Database, #General, #Advanced Region: EMEA Slides: https://dist.neo4j.com/nodes-20202-slides/089%20Neo4j%205%20Foundations%20for%20Scale%20-%20NODES2022%20-%20EMEA%20Advanced%205%20-%20Hugo%20Firth%2C%20Tobias%20Johansson.pdf Visit https://neo4j.com/nodes-2022 learn more at https://neo4j.com/developer/get-started and engage at https://community.neo4j.com

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