NODES2021 Extended with Siddharth Karumanchi & Elias Moosman

05 Aug, 2021

We’re back with NODES Extended ———————————————– Siddharth Karumanchi: Knowledge Graphs and NLP – a symbiotic interplay Auto-updation and semantic enrichment of Knowledge Graph using dynamic inferencing (based on ontology) to boost the text mining and NLP methods like domain-specific Entity Extraction, Disambiguation & Mapping to mine hidden knowledge from unstructured data and discover qualified & usable data. Siddharth Karumanchi is a founding research scientist at QUIPU. ————————————————- Elias Moosman – What is the theta base? Abstract: Got bots on team human? We’ve all had moments of clarity – when you connected the dots. Was that a graph problem? What sort of data structure was that? There’s a physics to Eureka moments felt by all problem solvers – like in Mairs two cord problem or moving stickies on a scrum wall. When it clicks. Elias Moosman is the founder of Youiest.

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